Who Is Hannah Ito

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Yui became friends with Hannah Ito when she was 6 and the other girl was seven. They hadn't become friends right off the bat, perhaps because of Yui's initial shyness in the all girl's school her father had placed her in or because Hannah had major anti social tendencies.

She remembered seeing the girl for the first time like it was yesterday... Hannah was very pale with pitch black hair that had been in two long pigtails. Her eyes were a pale grey, almost crystal like. She looked almost like a doll with those big serious eyes.

Yui had been curious about her, but the girl had been in a corner doodling, ignoring everything around her.

"Don't talk to her. She's a weirdo. She's so weird her mother dumped her here and ran off," a mean girl that went by the name of Sayuri had whispered to her maliciously making Yui know to not associate further with the cruel mouthed girl.

The all girl's school didn't only serve as a school but as a church and an orphanage which would explain Hannah's presence.

She couldn't understand why the girl couldn't leave her mind afterwards. She felt an odd sort of kinship with her though their circumstances where very different. Yui had her papa who was always working, but she had a parent while Hannah had no one.

Hannah... That's a western name... Is she only half Japanese?


The first time she interacted with Hannah had been unique to say the least. There had been another girl by the name of Ayumi who decided to start picking on her because of Yui's small size for her age.

On that fateful day, Ayumi had backed Yui into a corner in the entryway of the school threatening to cut her golden locks with scissors because she was the "new girl".

Not knowing what to do she froze, just seeing how almost gracefully the pair of gleaming scissors got closer to a lock of her hair that sneering girl had taken a hold of.

"Sorry not sorry," she heard an oddly deep feminine voice before a cold spray of water hit Ayumi's face.

Yui will never forget how Hannah had come out of nowhere with a water hose connected from outside to get Ayumi and her friends wet.

The friendship that started afterwards had been slow and tentative. Hannah wasn't much of a talker but when she did decide to talk, she had an almost sarcastic direct way of talking that would sting people that had the misfortune of annoying her.

It didn't bother Yui. There was something that made her feel safe in that big place when around the other girl. She didn't know if it was the quiet seriousness or that dry sense of humor and the rare smirks, or maybe it was just how fearless she appeared to be.

Nothing seemed to faze Hannah. The day of the water hose incident she had gotten paddled by one of the nuns at the school and she hadn't even flinched or shown fear when pulled away by the angry sister.

Yui still shivered at recalling the harsh sounds of the paddle hitting Hannah.

She had been so worried about her, but her worries were put to rest when a dry eyes but red faced Hannah has left the classroom the nun had decided to punish her in.

All she said was "What's with the worried look?" while rubbing her bottom as if she hasn't gotten hit ten times by a wooden paddle that was at least two inches thick.

"I'm so sorry, Hannah. I'm so sorry for dragging you into this," Yui whispered to herself, knowing at present what kind of horrors her close friend was going through at the hands of one of them.

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