Chapter 17

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Hello lovely readers ^.^

I would like to dedicate this chapter to my bestest buddy in real life, Sahana. She's been following this story since the very beginning and I'm very grateful. She has some pretty fabulous stories so I suggest you check them out.

Anyways, this chapter is back to normal for POV.

Enjoy :)

Gemma woke up to find herself hanging upside down, tied to a chair.

She immediately tried to collect her thoughts to remember exactly what happened. She slowly remembered, but soon went lightheaded.

A ghoulish laugh filled the room, "Good morning! Glad to see you up. Now you're probably wondering what's about to happen, if anyone will save you, yada yada yada." The trademark grin was flashed in Gemma's face.

"Well, I regret to inform you that there is no plan, though it is presumed that good ol' Batsy will show up. I mean, do I really look like a guy with a plan?"

"You don't look like a man with anything." Gemma spat in his face. "I suggest you stay away from me."

The response was a laugh, "You're feisty! I like feisty! Now, I have the cameras rolling, so how's about you say hello to daddy dearest."

Gemma bit her tongue.

"Oh right, I forgot. He's dead as a doornail. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The Joker cackled maniacally.

Gemma retained a poker face and looked unimpressed.

"Really? That's what's gonna happen?" Gemma raised an eyebrow. "Well I was expecting a lot worse. Frankly, I'm not impressed."

"Not impressed? And why, my dear, is that?" Joker asked curiously.

She shrugged, still hanging upside down. Her plan was going perfectly.

"Turn me right side up, and perhaps I could explain."

The Joker thought for a minute.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt for everyone at home to hear this." Joker waved at the cameras and put Gemma right side up. "Now explain yourself."

"Well, you're supposed to be this big bad man with shiny knives and bombs and weapons and all sorts of stuff. But really, it just seems like you want Batman's attention." Gemma started. "I mean, you've stuck me in this warehouse. Haven't you already done that before? To Robin?"

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that you've become quite boring." Gemma yawned for good measure. "Very predictable. You've run out of good, original ideas."

Joker raised an eyebrow.

"You want original? You want to die on live television with originality." He sighed and pulled out a large case.

"I was going to save this for later, but c'est la vie. This, my girl, is a very nice, original bomb. It will release my laughing gas along with our buddy Scarecrow's fear toxin all over little Gotham City."

"Thanks Uncle Jonathan." Gemma growled under her breath.

"Did you say something? Something about how original it is?" Joker grinned, then cracked up.

Gemma shrugged with all the teenage attitude she could muster.

"Been there, seen that."

"WHAT?! But I've never used it before!" Joker protested, pressing the button to start the timer on the bomb.

 "It's predictable. You've been known to work with Scarecrow before. Didn't he call it off though?" Gemma asked curiously, though she already knew the answer.

"How would you know? And I just happened to keep some of the fear toxin that I swiped. I had always planned to betray ol' Johnny."

Gemma nodded and kept her guard up. She was keeping Joker busying. Buying herself, and anyone willing to save her time.

"JOKER! Open up! This is the Gotham Police Force! Let the girl go, now." Commissioner Gordon called through a bullhorn.

"OH! Oh dear I'm so frightened! What shall I do?" The Joker replied, faking a damsel in distress before bursting out laughing.

Gemma held her breath. The cops had come. They wouldn't be any help, but if the cops were already here, Batman couldn't be far behind.

"Listen here, Gordy, if you or any of your police buddies try to come in here, I will kill the girl. It wouldn't be hard, so I suggest you think this through. Same goes for Batman. If Batsy tries anything, the girl dies. Have fun with our little game!" Joker cackled.

Gemma felt a flutter of hope go through her stomach and it mixed with the sting of fear. She knew Bruce would come. They were family. He had taken her in. He wouldn't give up on her now, would he?

Joker loaded his gun and held a knife in his hand.

"Hmm things seem to have gotten rather boring. How's about we spice things up a bit?" Joker's scarred smile grinned in Gemma's face as he held up a dagger.

She was terrified, but refused to show it. Gemma knew exactly what was about to happen.

"Nice scar you have, not nearly as fabulous as mine, but nice nonetheless."

Gemma bit the inside of her cheek and braced herself for what was coming.

The knife dug into her scar tissue and pain flooded through her leg. Gemma felt the blood trickle down her leg, but she refused to scream.

"Trying to be tough? Trying not to lose your dignity while you're dying?" Joker smirked and laughed. "Well, if this doesn't hurt enough, we might as well move on."

The knife moved on to her other leg and Gemma looked away. A layer of skin dropped to the floor and flood flowed out of her leg. The pain was so strong, her leg felt numb.

A tear that Gemma had tried to keep hidden fell and mixed with the crimson blood surrounding Gemma.

More chunks of skin were removed, but Gemma didn't scream. She wouldn't allow herself. She wouldn't give Joker that satisfaction.

 Suddenly, a window shattered and glass landed in the pool of blood. Gemma looked up, and there stood her family. Bruce, Tim, Dick, Stephanie, Cass, Jason, and Helena. They had come for her.

That's the last thing Gemma remembered before Joker held up his gun and shot Gemma.

 Ooh cliffhanger! Kinda... Not really...

Anyways, sorry this chapter was short! The story will be wrapped up shortly.

My goal is to get 1000 reads by the time the story ends. If you guys could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it.

Love you guys! ^.^

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