Black out

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I huffed, annoyed with my recent status quo in the Order. Now from being the girl on the run, I'm now left out girl. Its been month since my last meeting. Well if you call a meeting roll call, some information then being escorted out, at least then there was more than what I was doing now. They don't even let me into the room at all.

So as of last month I will be spending the meetings staring up at my ceiling thinking of ways to kill my boredom.

But nothing has yet come to mind.

I closed my eyes and let my mind think its way out of boredom. Harry popped up into my mind, the end of Christmas break was hard on the young man. He truly did not want to be back at that dreadful school, where that horrid Umbridge toad served as Headmistress since Grandfathers disappearances. I mean the Order knew where he was so you couldn't really call it a disappearance...I wonder how he's holding up.

There was a semi-loud crash coming from the attic as soon as I resurfaced from my wondering. Choosing to ignore it I turned my gaze to the lamp post in front of my bed, deciding whether it was worth my time to get up and turn it off. But just as I was going to blow it up with my wand the crashing sound came again.

"Alright, alright," I groaned, rolling off my bed and toward the door.

The floor creaked under me as I marched my way towards the attic stairs. The Order was to much into the meeting to really notice sounds coming from upstairs so obviously I was alone in matter of speaking.

I flung the door open and stepped through. But as soon as my foot landed on to the dusty floor the door behind me sealed close with the sound of a snap. My heart stopped for a millisecond before starting up again.

A sicking chuckle erupted from behind me. Then the creature slinked around to face me.

Kreachre the evil little house-elf. We hadn't seen him for a while, not since Sirius screamed at him to get out. But here he stood filth and all, a nasty sneer spread across his distorted features.

I backed tracked toward the door,"Kreachre what are you doing here?"

He came foward,"Doing what my Mistress has asked for Kreachre to do?"


"Yes, filthy half-blood. My Mistress, Miss Bella," the thing sneered at me.

My blood ran cold. Of course, he took the demand seriously. And found Bellatrix Lestrange, a former Black. This couldn't end well.

"And what did she ask for?"

He lifted up his skeletal fingers and snapped,"This."

I felt a sharp pain to the back of my head before it turned dark.


There was a ticking noise, it was ever so annoying. Didn't they know I was a sleep! I grumbled a bit, to try and tell them to knock it off. As a response someone gave a loud cackling laugh. This time My eyes shot open.

I was in a room with a fireplace burning green fire, the stiff family portrait above the mantle told me this was the infamous Malfoy Manor. AKA Voldywarts hiding place.

Someone had placed a good body binding spell on me. Seeing as i couldn't all i could move were my eyes.

"Oh, she's awake," someones voice chuckled. "Someone go inform the Dark Lord that his chess piece is up."

There was the sound of a door opening then slamming shut. A figure moved towards me and soon they walked forward into my line of vision.

Bellatrix Lestrange stood infront of me. In her hands she held her wand, twirling it like a baton. She reminded me of my mother. Same crazed look, same wild hair, and same sense of style. Seemed like someone had a fan, huh Mum.

I Miss You ~ Sirius Black ~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora