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" You have reached the voicemail box of 317... " ugh not this shit again says Vaunna as she rolls outta bed wondering why Eric ass wasn't answering the phone. Every damn night I gotta worry bout where this mutha fucka at ? Let me try one more time , " phone rings " ... "Hello ? That's all the fuck you got to say is hello ? Where the fuck are yu at two in the fucking morning yells Vaunna through the phone. I been calling you for hours and you jus now picking up? " Maaaan don't start that bullshit tonight Vaunna fa real not inna fucking mood. "Nigga yo mf ass aint never in mood can't even bring yo ass home at night how bout you stay where you at nigga now get inna mood for that , Vaunna hangs up. Little does she know Eric has been keeping something so raw from her something he know he could die for. Vaunna wasn't a bitch to be fucked with , even tho Eric did his dirt Vaunna loved him but wat she was about to learn would change her life forever..........

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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