2. waitress Tonka, "SPACE SF SPACE", SCI-FI, Part 2

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...  CONTINUES   ...


"Why is it important to have a plan in everything?

* Discipline as key ..."

Johnny remembered what Popi said:
"There I heard the story of the golden planets.
One waitress was even sold maps with the location of the planet. "
Johnny soon returned to his planet, to buy a maps, with the location of of the Golden planet.
And to see again Tonka in the vibrant yellow dress.

He came to the pub to buy a maps, of secret of paths to the hidden Golden planet.
He read the ads on the wall of the pub :

"House for sale on the landslide. P.S. Not much moved."

"Search for the psychic well paid job. He will know where should be contact."

" Successfully for a long time, I dispersing black magic, and other witchcraft, because  drives out evil and are pushing well. "

"Sale spaceship in parts of Orion to Andromeda."

"Changing roommate who snores for a roommate who groan."

"Changing health card for savings deposit.
Code: health is the greatest treasure!"


Tonka waitress passed in the vibrant dress.
Significantly it was looking into his eyes.
"Yes sir, what you want? "
Tonka is propped on the table, slowly swaying hips.
"You, the space Coke with ice cream, please," said Johnny
He was shaking with excitement.
Tonka had already noticed this reclusive young man. Very her aroused the thought of him out of his shell.

She looked at him dreamily soft smoky eyes, blinked lashes, and with her eyelids were flashed silver sparkles.
"I'll give you, I will give you all, all this, bring. "Said cuddly voice.
Johnny watched her magical character, enthralled
He remained her smell like magic.

"Space Coke with ice cream, please,"  said Tonka girl at the bar.
The barmaid was forwarded orders for ice cream in the kitchen.
The barmaid said, "Right away. Cook cooked eggs for an hour and not to become soft. You like that one student with long hair? "
Tonka sighed and brought space Coke Johnny, she leaned across the table, her breasts fell out, and she said "Yes"

When he came to his senses Johnny said:
"Do you know the little singers Popi ?"
"Yes, runaway singer, now we are looking for a singer with a large lung capacity, because we do not have an amplifier"

"Can I have your autograph?"
"Do not you miss the Universe?" Johnny said,
"Wow, you're here! I'm looking for the perfect guy in my dreams!"
"I'm Johnny."
And she said:
"Hey, I'm here, but what's your name?"
"So Jessy, Jessy Tonka"

"As soon as I saw you, I saw you," gasping to Johnny
"You are to me having fun, we're gonna love?" Said Tonka
"You have such beautiful eyes, curly ..
Do you have any signs? Because you know, constantly get lost in your eyes, "her voice trembling with Johnny
"Can we go with you on you?
Are you going to kiss me, or I will have to lie in my diary? "Said the cheerful Tonka
"Well actually, I'm looking for a map. Poppy told me that one waitress sales map with the location of secret Golden planet."

Tonka waitress promised to give him a map of the location of the Golden planet, if he took with him.


"sun rays"

Rang sounds funny cheerful Space shelf tahomobitel in Johnny's pocket.
He pulled out a silver bowl pocket, opened it and pulled out the antenna:
"Johnny is listening," he said in tahomobitel
"Here Popi the planet atopy. We were attacked by space pirates. We could not defend. Leveled the village to the ground.
Chief Thunder said that we have to buy a laser cannons to defend the planet.
But we have no money, so please come with you, look for the Golden planet. "
"It may, of course, space friend, hold on us, on our planet, we'll get you on the way!" Said Johnny.

"space sf space"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora