Chapter 2

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I got home, and it wasn't as late as I thought it would be. It was only 11:30 at night. I thought it would be much later.

I went to my bedroom and went to sleep.

The Next Day...

I woke up and went to the living room. "Have a good feast last night?" Tom asked once I walked in the room. "When you say it like that, you make it a bad thing." I smirked and flashed my fangs. "It is a bad thing," He rolled his eyes. "You think I chose to be like this?" I muttered. He often has disputes with me about this. He's over it mostly, but sometimes he can be just a bit too much and I would want to bite him. Although I knew where he was coming from, considering he's human. All of the boys are human, except me. I was the only one to have gotten bitten. I've come close to biting them to. I've learned to control my urge though. Sort of. It's not the easiest thing in the world to do, what with Adam chasing my arse down. I've killed many innocent people, all because of that horrible Adam. If it were up to me, I wouldn't drink human blood as much as I do. He made me into what I am today. But I can't change what I am. I've been a Vampire for almost 400 years. 372, to be exact.

I know, that makes me sound old, doesn't it? Well, no need to remind me. I'm well aware, of course.

I've hated Adam since that very day in 1642.

The boys have learned to accept my new nature, although it's quite obvious it gets under their skin from time to time.

Max appeared just then. "Oh and, we're going to go clubbing." Tom added. "Great, now I have to contain myself. And I was really looking to start a killing spree." I groaned. They looked at me as if I just killed someone right in front of them. "I'm kidding!! For god sakes you thought I was serious? I may be a killer, but I'm not reckless." I said, kind of mortified. They breathed sighs of relief. "Although, I may kill once or twice." I flashed my eyes. When I kill, my eyes turn a maroon shade of red, with a bit of yellow in the iris. But when I'm calm, my eyes are the regular green color they always were. "And anyway, even if I do kill, I'm discreet about it." I rolled my eyes. "Why do I not believe you?" Tom asked. "Because you obviously have absolutely no clue when I'm lying and when I'm not." I shrugged. "Damn it Nathan, yes I do know when you're lying. And I know as well as you do, that you are not-so-discreet with your killings." He said. I am actually discreet with my killings, just not as discreet as I could be. But I won't say anything. Just give him the benefit of the doubt.

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