The Meeting

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Sprawled out across my bed, I lay sleeping in the heat of July. My alarm screamed in my ear, telling me to wake up. Mopey and exhausted, I got up and went across my room to my dresser. I glanced in the mirror to find dry mascara under my eyes and my hair sticking up in all directions. I took little time on making myself look presentable. A little make-up remover here, some foundation there, and a glop of mascara here. I slumped down my hallway to my kitchen only to make myself some tea and grab a cliff bar. I plopped onto my couch to scroll through my twitter feed until I looked at the time. 8:23 AM! Shit! I was already running late on my first day! Running to my room, I threw on a top-knot, a Juilliard tank-top, dark-jean shorts, and a pair of dollar store white flip flops. I grabbed my script and a bottle of Evan, and ran out my apartment door. My white BMW was parked right outside as I thrusted myself inside it. I turned it on and a blast of hot air hit my face. Turning on the ac, I drove on I-10 heading south toward Hollywood. I pulled into my set's parking lot to find a long line of other people waiting to audition. I went into line and waited.  I began to read several parts of my script until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a smiling tall guy with a pocket tee on. He had brown hair and brown eyes. Before I could speak to ask him what he wanted, he asked me if he could look over the script with me. I said yes with a little bit of a question and he came next to me, and read over my shoulder. His warm breath made the hairs on the back of my neck stand, but I didn't mind. Then I smelled something. Was it cologne? Or after shave? No, what about air freshener? It was a light hint of saltwater. It smelled really good. Does he surf? Does he like to walk on the beach? Is he in college? Does he work somewhere? I wondered if he was going to audition for one of the main parts or not. All the questions that swarmed my head were all about him. At that moment, I wonder what he was thinking...

She had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. Her silky brown hair was pulled up into a bun and a pair of sunglasses lay resting on top of her head. Her smile was illuminating and her laugh was breath taking. Everything about her seemed perfect. Was she auditioning for Tauriel? I wanted to talk to her but they called her for her audition. Then I learned something. I learned her name. Her beautiful name. Aubrey.

My name was called for the audition. My heart was in my throat and my hands were shaking. They led me into a large room with bright lights and a small camcorder. Two people ( one man and one female) sat at a table with my picture. "Hello Ms. Aubrey. My name is Peter Jackson and I am the director of this production. This is Phillipa. She will help me chose the characters for this movie." He paused and Phillipa began to talk. "So, tell us about yourself." I took a deep breath and began to speak. "My name is Aubrey Lancaster. I am 17 years old and I have been pursuing acting since I was 8. I have been in plays, musicals, TV commercials, and adds. I love to act and I love the excitement of each role." Before I could continue, Peter cut me off. "Thank you Ms. Lancaster. You may precede to page 4 and begin on paragraph 18." Peter said.

Several weeks later, I received an email from Peter. It read:
"Dear Ms. Aubrey,
based on your performance, we would love for you to come in on Monday for callbacks. They will begin at 11:00 sharp so please be on time. After you have completed your callback, you will be notified the following Sunday IF you got the part or not. I wish you the best of luck and congratulations.
          Director Peter Jackson "

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