Me: You're a fuckin creep you know.

Unknown: So she does mean something? Tsk tsk. You guys can get in an awful lot of trouble.

Me: No. That was a mistake.

Unknown: So that kiss was a mistake? How about all of these?

The person asks sending a lot more picture of Alex and I kissing. My face goes even more pale and I feel myself start to regret my words but I say them anyways.

Me:All mistakes. They mean nothing.

Unknown: So she really means nothing?

Me: Not a dime worth my time.

Unknown: So if I were to show her this, you wouldn't mind?

Wait... They're going to use this to get Alex to break up with me. Shit shit shit shit shit!

Me: No! Im not going to break someone's heart like that.

Unknown: Fine. This'll stay between me and you. But we meet up. 8pm. Tonight. Movie theater.

I sigh realizing I have really no other option.

Me: Fine. But this stays between us.

I type then shove my phone in my pocket groaning.

I would never hurt Alex. That was all a mistake what I said. Those kisses meant the world to me and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I don't care if I was broke and living in a box, as long as I had Alex with me, I would be fine. I regret saying that to that stranger, cause if they ever showed Alex, it would ruin her....ruin us. Gosh, I'm so fucked up.

Not knowing what else to do, I call Hope. She picks up on the third ring.

"Hey tobs!"

"Hey hope. You got a minute?" I ask and I can hear the noise in the background start to fade.

"Yeah, Kelleys here but I'm in the back room, what's up?" She asks and I sigh.

"I fucked up. Big time." I say.

"Ok, that's not a good sign. What did you do?" She asks and I can hear the worry in her voice.

"Well, I got this message from an unknown number. And basically they know about mine and Alex's relationship. They sent me pictures of her and I kissing and I tried to deny them staying they meant nothing and that Alex meant nothing. So then they brought up showing Alex and I begged them not to and so now I have to meet up with this person tonight at 8 for them not to tell Alex." I ramble and I hear Hope sigh on the other end.

"Wow, um you did screw up. But you regret saying that right?" She asks and I lose it.

"Yes Hope! I regret saying it! These past 2 months have been absolute heaven. I have never felt so much happiness in my life! Not even when I was a little kid and my life was good with my family. Hope she makes me feel some sort of way and I'm no expert in feelings but I think I love her. I know some may say it's early but damn my feelings are strong for her and I would take a bullet for her Hope! I think she's the one... I think I love her.... No, I do love her." I say feeling a rush of confidence run through me.

Can this be?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora