Let's Make Babies, Baby! Harry Styles

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It’s been five months since I moved back to Doncaster with William and things are going great, I’m working in an office three days a week at a family friends business. William is nearly eighteen months old. He’s walking and talking and he’s become an incredibly cheeky, intelligent little boy. He goes to day care three days a week, only half days because I don’t like to be away from him for too long during the day.

I haven’t heard from Niall for nearly six months, I haven’t seen him since I walked out of the house that day he told me that I was going to fuck the whole band. I know that he’s moved on, I’ve been reading all the gossip magazines and as it seems he’s definitely moved on, he’s got a girlfriend called Jayde. I feel like our break up has effected Niall badly. I look at articles on magazines and all the pictures he looks like he’s drunk, he doesn’t look happy and he parties far too much.

Harry on the other hand has flourished in to a responsible young man. And by that I mean that he’s become incredibly responsible and he’s not as selfish as he was after we broke up. He calls me every day so he can speak to William on the phone, William doesn’t quite understand the concept of the phone just yet and every time we talk on the phone he says “Dahdi where are yew?” It’s really cute. The lads are on tour now and as planned Louis and Harry come home every five days and have four days with Molly and Will. Eleanor moved up to Doncaster with me when the lads went on tour so she was close to mum and when Harry and Lou came back they just came to Doncaster together. Harry would sleep in William’s room with him and Eleanor and Louis took Molly to mum’s house.

While Eleanor was living with me during the week we shared my bedroom which was huge and big enough for two double beds. William’s room was the biggest room and he had the ensuite because it was easier to bath him and change him in the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. When Harry comes to spend time with William we end up spending time together which is really nice because William gets to spend time with the both us.

The tour is due to finish soon, Eleanor is eight months pregnant and due in about four weeks with a boy. The tour finishes off in three weeks and then Louis and El are going back to London to get ready for the baby to come. Molly knows that there is a baby in her mummy’s tummy but I’m not sure if she fully understands what that means. It’s really cute though, before she goes to bed every night she kisses El’s tummy.

El had taken off for the weekend and was meeting Louis in Bali for their last holiday before the new baby came. I was cleaning the house before taking William to the park for a play, Harry had been delayed in town and we were lucky enough to find a flat right near a huge park. William is very independent and I don’t mind taking him to the park because he tires himself out and I can put him to bed early. I had just stacked the dishwasher and was ready to go put Will’s shoes on when there was a knock at the door.

I knew it wasn’t my mum she would have called before she came over. I walked down the hall leaving William sitting on the sofa watching Waybaloo and answered the door. “Harry!” I squawk in surprise. He had told me that he was going to here in two days.

Let's Make Babies, Baby! Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now