chapter twenty-seven

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chapter twenty-seven;

"Death by apitoxin," Dr. Wells pulled up crime scene photos from the recent death in Central City. Adley was sat cross-legged on her desk, her phone in her hands. She looked up, dark strands of hair falling in her face.

"Honeybee venom?" She asked, her head cocked slightly. "What? I like bees," she stated defensively after getting some off looks from her co-workers.

"Of course you like bees," Cisco teased, "But me? Y'all, I don't do bees. Ain't nobody got time for bees."

"This isn't normal beehavior," Adley clicked her fingers at her own pun, "Sorry."

Dr. Wells ignored her and Cisco, moving on, "But when a honeybee stings, the stingers are literally torn from their abdomen, and they die."

Barry nodded, "But there were no stingers in the body and no dead bees in the car."

"A honeybee can only deposit 1 milligram of apitoxin when it releases its stinger," Caitlin informed the team.

"And yet, Ms. Kang was found with enough venom in her system to kill a herd of elephants," Dr. Wells observed. "It appears not only is a meta-human controlling these bees but also increasing their toxicity."

"Bees communicate by releasing pheromones," Barry pondered, "Maybe this meta's controlling them through secretion?"

"Oh my God, metahuman goals," groaned Adley, "Love bees."

"Anyone want to join me, the normal person, in getting a bee suit?" Cisco asked.

Barry smirked cockily, "I'm pretty sure I can outrun a bee."

Then a new voice came from the entryway, "Just don't run into a lake." Adley turned to see Felicity, the cute bubbly blonde from Starling City. "Bees will wait for you to come up for air and then they'll sting you. Discovery Channel. Turns out there's a lot to discover."

"Felicity!" Adley smiled wide.

"Adley my young breathing emotion," Felicity greeted, hugging the her.

"Felicity, what are you doing here?" Were Barry's first words.

"Can you guys come outside for a sec?" She jabbed her thumb behind them, and the team followed her outside to the front of the facility.

"What exactly are we waiting for, Ms. Smoak?" Everyone hummed in agreement with Wells, and Felicity scanned the sky for a moment before replying upon the sight of a small black speck.

"Up there." She pointed.

"Is that a bird?" Caitlin asked, eyes squinted at the sun.

"It's a plane."

Felicity grinned, "It's my boyfriend," she breathed as he landed in the ground, his suit cracking the pavement beneath him.

"Hi." He took his helmet off, "I'm Ray."

"So he seems a little tall for you," Barry trailed off, looking at Ray getting his vitals checked through thick glass.

Felicity gasped, "Barry Allen, are you jealous?"

Barry shook his head. "No, I'm not jealous. I have a girlfriend. I just I really wish you would've called before flying in."

"Oh, no, he flew," Felicity stuttered, "I drove."

"I'm serious, all right?" Barry sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Now is not the best time."

"Why? What's going on?" Barry was unable to answer before Ray and the others emerged from the side room.

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