chapter 1

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"Get out Allison!" Mark screamed with so much anger inside of him

"It wasn't what it seems like, he came on to me." She cried as she tried hugging onto his waist

It seemed like this went on for hours, honestly Mark was tired of Allison and her lies. He knew that she was always with some guy other than himself and that really pissed him off, he was good to Allison and treated her like a princess, but what did Allison do, she went and cheated on him multiple times with different guys and claimed that they came onto her. But Mark knew the truth, she was the one throwing herself onto them.

"I'm gonna say this for the last time, get off of me and stay out of my life for good... I hate you." He said so coldly with venom dripping from his mouth. With one last push, he pushes Allison off of him and slams the door in her face.

Sighing he makes his way into his bathroom turning the faucet on his sink on, splashing cold water onto his face, he stares into the mirror looking at his tired face.
Allison and Mark had been together for 4years and around last year he found out she was cheating, this caused him to loose it because he was in love with her and wanted to make her his wife, but he wanted and needed to move on, after all things happen for a reason.

The next day Mark woke up replenished and energized, ready for the day to start. He picked out simple, yet stylish clothes then hoped in the shower lightly humming to himself. Once he was done he quickly dried him self off and got dressed and headed downstairs to cook himself breakfast.
After breakfast he went out side smiling as the sun shined brightly down on him, as he was outside he noticed his neighbors daughter looking at him, so he smiled and wave at her causing her to turn away quickly and run back inside

'Hmmm weird ', he thought as he lays his skateboard down and skates through the neighborhood.

Mean while Mark was skating, Kellie was in her room screaming into a pillow, replaying the scene of Mark waving at her, and her being stupid and running away from him.

'Why am I so stupid. She sighs while burying her face deep into the pillow. He probably won't ever talk to me after this'.

"Honey, can you take this mail to our across the street neighbor, the postman some how got our mail confused with his." Kelli sits up quickly as her mother hands her the mail and slowly makes her way outside across the street.

'I can do this, he's just some hot guy that lives across the street from us, not a model or idol.. Or is he?She slowly breathes in and out as her thoughts roam through her head. Here goes nothing.' With shaky hands she rings the door bell waiting for him to appear, but he doesn't. With one last attempt to ring his doorbell she feels arms grab her shoulder causing her to jump in fear and hold her chest as she is panting.

Mark on the other hand stares at her with an amused look on his face waiting for her to explain as to why she is standing on his front porch.

"Why are you here?" Mark asked while staring directly into her eyes.

"W-well, t-the p-postman got your mail mixed up with ours." Kelli stutters as she hands him the mail

Mark takes it from her shaking hands then grabs her hands to make them stop shaking. Kelli gasps from the sudden contact of his soft hands grasping hers. He giggles as Kelli yelps then he lightly pats her head reassuring her he won't hurt her.

"I'm Mark, and you are?"

"I-I'm K-Kelli... f-from a-across t-the s-street." She stutters as Mark stares her down with a gentle smile plastered across his face.

"Are you okay Kelli, you seem nervous and fidgety and like you're about to pu-. Oh my gosh not on my new limited addition shoes." Mark whines as Kelli finished throwing up all over his new shoes.

She wiped her mouth then covered it with her hands. "S-Sorry, I-I t-think I should go." With tears streaming down her face she ran away from Mark as he tried to call her name.


With cookies and cream ice cream, Kelli sat crisscross on her bed crying while eating. She had just made a total fool of herself by throwing up on her crush and now he probably hates her and thinks she's weird and on top of that she couldn't stop her stupid stuttering, now Mark definitely wouldn't wanna see her again. So maybe she should stay far away and avoid him forever. Mark on the other hand found Kelli interesting and different from most girls, and he never talked to anyone but she was intriguing to him and he just had to talk to her and maybe get to know her. He found it cute how she couldn't keep eye contact with him when they were communicating and how cute she was in general, with brown wavy hair, soft brown eyes and pouty pink lips, he liked her and he didn't know exactly why because she was younger then him and couldn't risk hurting her even though he would make sure to take care of her and treat her like a queen but others might judge him, but he couldn't help it, she is perfect to him and he must see her again. That night Mark and Kelli went to sleep thinking about each other.

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