You spotted a few students helping Alex Mayar leave the classroom, and couldn’t help but smirk to yourself slightly. That ought to teach the little worm not to try and undermine you.


“Alex Mayar tells me you used Levicorpus on him.” Professor Malfoy asked, as he guided you towards the Great Hall for dinner.

You shrugged, “I was teaching….” you shrugged dismissively, not really wanting to talk about it. “She woke up, by the way…” you added, unsure if he knew or not.

Draco nearly stopped in the middle of the hall, “Did she? When?” he could feel relief flood through his body.

“McGonagall came to tell me pretty much right after I took the practical approach to teaching….” you replied, shrugging once more. “Nice to know you had confidence in what I was doing, though.” you huffed, noticing the relieved expression on his face.

“That’s not it…” Draco staggered, surprised that you caught his relieved expression, “I’ve just never seen anybody mix those potions together to get that kind of result, is all.” he answered honestly.

You left Draco, who took his seat at the head table in the front of the Great Hall, and headed towards your own. You took your seat, and glanced around the Great Hall at all the students. Some of the Slytherin’s were glaring at you. While pretty well any Slytherin student that knew you while you were there, were smirking up at you, along with the rest of the school. It never ceased to amaze you how fast stories traveled the corridors of this great castle.

The chatter in the Great Hall died down a bit as the food appeared on the tables, and students started digging into their meals.


You spent your spare period up in the hospital wing talking to Payton, seeing if she could remember anything about the night she was attacked.

“Do you know who attacked you?” you asked, sitting at the side of her hospital bed.  You had given her a few days to recover before asking her anything. Interrogating her was not something that should be done right after and ordeal like the one she had.

She shook her head, “No, I was just going down to the kitchen’s to get a snack while studying…. All I remember was seeing a bright flash of blue light…” her voice was hoarse from lack of use, but she answered your questions the best she could.

“Do you remember what time it was, when you left to go to the kitchens?” you asked, handing her a glass of water.

She took a gulp from the glass, swallowed, and then answered your question, “It was around 8:00.…”

“I see.” you glanced towards the small clock on the wall, “I’m going to let you rest now, if I have anything else to ask you, I’ll come find you.” You stood, heading towards the doors of the Hospital Wing. Opening and closing the doors silently, you left the Hospital Wing, and headed towards your own classroom where students would be, no doubt, waiting for you.

As you were writing the word Protego on the board for the first years to copy down, you saw Shadow perk up slightly and stare at the door, somebody was just about to knock.

Sure enough, there was a knock on the door.

With a flick of your wand, the door opened revealing the Headmistress once again.

“Ah, Professor Smat, I would like a word, if you would?” she asked, stepping back into the corridor.

“Talk amongst yourselves until I’m back.” you said, walking between the rows of desks and towards the door. You closed it behind you as you entered into the corridor. “Has another student been attacked?” you asked, watching Minerva McGonagall warily.

Call Me Professor - Sequel to Colour Me SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now