Chapter 1: leaving

Start from the beginning

"So why did Charlie want you back? Edward asked curiously; not taking his eyes off the road. He knew I hated it when he did that.

"Oh he just wanted to talk to me... you know!" I said, my breath hitching as I spoke, "Specifics weren't really talked about."

"Okay" Edward replied. Not bringing up the subject again which I was greatful for. We sat there in silence for the rest if the journey; however it wasn't akward like some people would expect it to be, it was peacful and relaxing.

I soaked up the relaxing time because after today, I didn't know when the next time I would be able to relax would be. Soon i'll be out hunting Horcruxes and putting my life on the line.

When the car stopped just outside my house I was pulled away from my thoughts. I turned to look at Edward knowing that this could be the last time I would see him possibly for months. Maybe even the last time I would ever see him. I opened my moth a few times, gapping like a fish as I tried to find the right words to say.

"I love you, you know that right?" I told him lovingly as I settled on the right words.

"Of course I do and I love you too. But why are you acting so strange. Are you okay?" He asked me over with his eyes.

"Yeah of course I am, just always remember that, and tell your family that I love then as well"

He nodded. I kissed him on the cheek (savouring every moment) and tightly hugged him around the neck. The sweet scent of honey and vanilla filled my nose. I was going to miss this.

I let go off him resently and leaned back in my seat once more. "Bye Edward" I mumbled as I got out the car.

"Bye love" He waved, "See you later then" He grimmced. I put on a fake smile but turned around quickly. I didn't want him to see the tear streak on my cheek or the the glistening tears that sat unspilled in my eyes. I strided over to the house and as I slowly opened the front door, it squeaked like a mouse. I stepped into the lonely house and ran up the stairs into my room. I grabbed my huge suitecase from under my bed (It had been there since summer) and started to fill it with essentials. I packed clothes, my wand, school robes, a hair brush, toothpaste and tooth brush, a book and my phone. Actually not my phone, we were not going to need it and plus, you don't get any signal there. I glanced at the clock it was 8:45.

I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. I allocated my bag by the door and pulled out 3 bits of paper from the draw which I then started to write on. The first one was for Charlie. It said;

Dear Charlie,

Thanks for looking after me all this time and for letting me stay here with you. But its' time for me to go. When this is all over I hope I can still see you, If I make it out. I love you lots.

Love from

Bella xxxxx

I adressed the second one for the Cullen's. I wrote;

Dear Cullen's,

I'm really sorry for leaving you guys (expecially without an explanation). I really didn't want to but I need to finish off something I started. If I..... When I come back I promise that I will explain everything to you. Remember that I love all of you and I hope that you can forgive me when I return. Be safe.

Lots of love,

Bella xox

Then I took the last bit of paper and I wrote it to Edward;

Dear Edward,

I'm really sorry for leaving you without an explanation but the phone call I got today wasn't from Charlie but from someone else. They reminded me that I have something to finish off. I'm really sorry for lying to you. I hope that when I return to you and your family you will forgive me but if you don't, I understand. I love you so very much and if I don't return I hope you will find happiness somewhere else. Please don't try to find me because you won't. I love you with all my heart.

Lots of love,

Bella 3 xxxx

If you haven' alreadyt figured out by now, I'm not really who I say I am. Well not really. My name is Bella Lilly Marie Potter; the twin sister of Harry James Potter. Dughter of Lilly and James Potter. I am 16 years old and my birthday is tomorrow. When I was just a baby Lord Voldemort set out to kill us and in the process killed both my parents. However when he tried to kill both me and my brother the spell rebounded and destroyed him. Leaving us with a horrible lightning shaped scar on our foreheads and a future filled with horrid, life threatning events.

Then we moved in with our Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia (Aunt petunia is our mums sister, she is a muggle) Also their son Dudley when we were barely a year old. And they all hate us. When we were 11 we found out that we were Witch's and Wizard's and so we went to Hogwarts where we met Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. And ever since Voldemort has been trying to kill us. Now we have to go off and find the horcruxes that will finally destroy him and end this war.

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