Chapter Three

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The next area was just as cold and snowy as the last. A gold, swirling star was present, allowing (Y/n) to think about everything that happened, question the conveniently shaped lamp, and fuel her determination. She noticed a box with a sign next to it nestled in the snow. Brushing the snow away from the sign, (Y/n) read aloud, "This is a dip...You can put an item inside or take an item out. The same box will appear later, do don't worry about coming back. Sincerely, a box, a teleporting box?" (Y/n) opened the box, seeing a single glove inside. She, suspicious, left it alone and placed her pie and candy inside. She then tore her donut in half, and put one half in the box. She closed it as quietly as possible, then went to the north, where a river was present. Out of stupidity and curiosity, the human stuck her hand in the water, only to quickly retract her hand and jump back from the cold. She sighed, shaking the frosty liquid off of her hand. She glanced at a fishing pole and debated on reeling it in, but decided not to; she didn't want to mess anything up and accidently anger someone. She headed back to the box area, and continued down the path. In the next area, the two skeletons were talking. Her breath hitched as she walked closer; Sans was okay, and she felt sympathy for Papyrus, but she still felt overly nervous. "SO, AS I WAS SAYING ABOUT UNDYNE-" Papyrus froze, looking at (Y/n) then his brother. He repeated this several times, Sans joining him as they spun around at sonic speeds. The two finally stopped, "SANS!! OH MY GOD!! IS THAT...A HUMAN!?!?!??!?!" (Y/n) flinched slightly at his loud voice, and awkwardly rubbed her wrist. "uhhhh...actually, i think that's a rock." Sans commented, staring straight past the human. Confused, (Y/n) looked behind her to see a large gray rock, that she didn't remember being there previously. She looked back at the skeletons as Papyrus responded with a disappointed 'oh'. "hey, what's that in front of the rock?" Papyrus gasped, "OH MY GOD!!!" He turned to his brother, and whispered excitedly. They both looked at the awkward human before Papyrus started talk-shouting to his brother again, "SANS! I FINALLY DID IT!!! UNDYNE WILL...I'M GONNA...I'LL BE SO...POPULAR!!! POPULAR!!! POPULAR!!!" Papyrus cleared his throat, switching his attention from Sans to (Y/n), "HUMAN! YOU SHALL NOT PASS THIS AREA! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL STOP YOU! I WILL THEN CAPTURE YOU! YOU WILL BE DELIVERED TO THE CAPITAL! THEN...THEN!!! I'M NOT SURE WHAT'S NEXT. IN ANY CASE! CONTINUE...ONLY IF YOU DARE! NYEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH!!!" Papyrus ran off whilst laughing. "Um..." (Y/n) looked at Sans, who chuckled, "well, that went well. don't sweat it, kay? i'll keep an eyesocket out for ya." Sans started walking away, but (Y/n) stopped him easily, "Uh, wait! Do you, um...w-well, it's really cold here, so do you know where the nearest...building, I guess, is?" "huh? not far. you just have to get past my bro's puzzles, and ya should get to Snowdin. see ya soon, kiddo." Sans walked off, leaving (Y/n) to mumble 'but I'm not a kid' to herself. With a sigh, she continued walking. She passed a cardboard sentry station, but she didn't bother it. She squeaked when, yet again, a battle began. The creature was short, but its hat was large, and pained (Y/n) to look at. She looked away, hearing the monster complain. Attacks were flung her way, but she kept the area with her soul in it within her gaze to dodge. Eventually, the monster gave up, and (Y/n) ended the fight, gathering the gold that the monster left in the snow. She closed her eyes as she left the area, only to notice a sign that said 'absolutely NO moving.' She tilted her head in confusion, then went to pass what looked like yet another sentry station, or something of the sort. A tall, dog-like monster stood up from inside the small place, "Did something move? Was it my imagination? I can only see moving things. If something WAS moving, for example, a human...I'll make sure it NEVER moves again!" A battle started, earning a sign from the human; she had just stopped fighting the hat monster. She stood still, and watched the dog-thing. A blue sword was swung at her soul, and, despite how much she wanted to avoid it just in case, she remained motionless. As she had hoped, no harm was done. "Will it move this time?" Another blue sword appeared, but the human didn't care. Quickly, she pulled her book from her backpack and flipped it open. She felt relieved when she found the page. The monster was Doggo, with six attack and one defense. (Y/n) tucked the book in her pocket-it was more convenient- and looked at her soul, only to push it sideways in attempt to dodge the sword out of instinct and surprise. "Moving? Moving? Moving moving moving?" Doggo started flipping out. Another attack appeared, but the human didn't move. "It moved! It didn't NOT move!" Cautiously, (Y/n) reached past the soul area and patted Doggo's head. Again, he flipped out, but this time it was over being pet, "WHAT?? I'VE BEEN PET!!!" Doggo gained a yellow glow at those words, and another sword came and left. "Bye." (Y/n) gladly ended the fight. "S-s-s-something pet me...something that isn't m-m-moving...I'm gonna need some dog treats for this!" Doggo ducked down to where he originally was, and the relieved human walked past, sending a disapproving glance at dog treats that were used for smoking as she passed.

Sans stood next to the path, and a patch of ice with a sign in the middle was beside him. (Y/n) approached the skeleton, "Hey, Sans." "hey, here's something important to remember." "What?" The human's (E/c) eyes twinkled with curiosity and fear. "my brother has a very special attack. if you see a blue attack, don't move and it won't hurt you. here's an easy way to keep it in mind. imagine a stop sign. when you see a stop sign, you stop, right? stop signs are red, right? imagine a blue stop sign instead. simple, right? when fighting, think about blue stop signs." (Y/n) nodded, ", you didn't tell me last time, but what's Snowdin?" Now that (Y/n) wasn't focusing on not being killed, she was still extremely cold. "don't worry. you'll get there soon. i'd lend ya my coat, but i don't feel like going all the way back to get another." (Y/n) smiled, "Really, Sans? Really? You really are a lazybones-Papyrus was right." Sans chuckled, "heh. you might be punnier than i thought. just make some of your own instead of using my bro's, okay?" "Got it, comic." Sans sent the human a questioning look, "comic?" "I said comic, Sans!" Sans understood immediately, "i'm proud of ya, kid." "I'm not a kid. I'm a teen, not a child...I never did correct mum on that...ah well. Just remember that I'm not a kid." Sans shrugged, "nah. i like calling you kid. you should get going. papyrus is waiting. just don't forget blue stop signs." "I won't!" The human confirmed as she slid over the ice, tripping and smacking her head on the sign. She let out a whine, then looked back at the skeleton, "I'm okay!" Sans didn't respond, but looked fairly amused. (Y/n) turned her gaze to the sign, "North, ice, South, ice, West, ice, East, Snowdin town-oh, I didn't need to ask after all-and ice, of course. North it is...if I don't freeze first." The human rubbed her eyes, still cold from both the weather and falling on ice and snow. She carefully moved off the ice, and to the north. Before she could go, a battle began, and a dog-monster with a sword and shield appeared. (Y/n), feeling like she wouldn't last much longer, took a bite of her donut, and put it away afterwards. She felt a lot better, but the dog monster panted and sent a tiny puppy after her soul. She dodged the leading pup, and went through her monster book. It was called Lesser Dog, and had seven attack and no defense. For the next attack, a blue sword went at (Y/n). She didn't move, but then a white spear appeared and hit her. She hissed in pain, and patted the dog's head; even if it hurt her, it was adorable. Lesser Dog's neck got a little longer, and started glowing yellow. Another set of a blue sword and white spear came, but (Y/n) somehow managed to not get hit. "See ya." The battle ended, and gifted the human with only the joy of petting a dog. She resumed her original path North, and found a snowman. "Hello. I am a snowman. I want to see the world...But I cannot move. If you would be so kind, traveler, please...Take a piece of me and bring it very far away." The human felt bad about it, but agreed; the poor snowman deserved to get what it wanted. She took a small piece of snow from the snowman and put it safely in an extra pocket of her backpack. "Thank you...good luck!" The snowman called as (Y/n) left the area.

UnderTale x Fem!Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें