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IT WAS A CHILLY MORNING-- it wasn't surprising because it was really early-- foggy. The grass glistened with dew drops in dawn's first rays of light.

Hinata walked down a path, the path he always took on his way to practice. The path where he would race with Kageyama on his way to practice-

"Not today, Shouyou!" a shout was heard from behind. The dark haired boy sprinted passed the red head as he released a triumphant roar.

"W-wha?! No fair!" the smaller boy huffed before chasing after the other. These races were important to him because if he had lost to Kageyama, it wouldn't make a great impression.

Hinata had not too recently developed what he called 'an itty bitty crush' on Kageyama. He realised it when the two of them were playing volleyball together, and at some point Kageyama gave a genuine smile. It was the first time Hinata witnessed him smile like that. The only smiles he had seen him give were those creepy smiles of his. Hinata didn't think too much about it because he thought Kageyama wouldn't feel the same way for him.

Moments later, the two first years are found on their backs, panting hard trying to catch their breath.

"That makes 14 wins...haah... and 13 losses for me!" the red head cheered while pumping his fists in the air.

"W-whatever..." the setter groaned, acting like he didn't care about his loss, which he did. "You just got lucky."

"I even gave you a head start," Hinata chuckled.

"Sh-shut up." a light shade of pink dusted on the taller boy's cheeks.

The boys sat alone together, waiting for one of the third years to appear. The third years were usually the ones to carry the keys to the gym.

As ignorant and oblivious as they were, the redhead and the setter hadn't realised that they had to wait 3 more hours for someone to arrive. They showed up 2 hours earlier to the gym than they usually did.

"Damn it. What time is it?" Kageyama asked, expecting Hinata to pull his cellphone out to check the time.

Hinata pulled his cellphone out. "5:03." He read out loud.

"Wait. It's 5:00?!"

"No, silly. It's 5:03."

"I... I know that, dumbass!"

"No you didn't. You said it was 5:00, when it's actually 5:03-"

"Yeah, yeah! I know! I don't have to be exact, do I?

"Yes, you do," the smaller boy teased.

Kageyama sighed, toning his voice down slightly. "It's 5:03..."

"5:04 now."

"Whatever!" Kageyama growled before giving a punch on Hinata's shoulder. "Quit being cute, dumbass."

'Cute'? Hinata thought. He blushed slightly, for that was the first compliment Kageyama had ever given him. He might have been wrong. Perhaps Kageyama didn't mean it that way. Hinata shrugged it off. The thought overwhelmed him too much.

"I wasn't trying to be." the smaller boy stated.

They both sat in silence. It was awkward. It was not long until that silence broke.

Kageyama's teeth started to chatter, then he blew onto his hands and rubbed them together, trying to warm up. "God, it's c-cold " he said, his voice shaky.

"Tell me about it..." Hinata replied, rubbing his arms. His nose turned red after a while. A moment later, the red head sneezed.

Kageyama glanced at the smaller boy, "Bless you." he said.

"Thanks." Hinata replied, wiping his nose. "Ugh! It's so cold!" he whined.

Kageyama cocked his head a little like a confused puppy. "Hinata... Your nose is red," he blinked. "Are you sick?"

"N-no! Of course not!" he objected.

Kageyama raised a brow. "Hinata... You don't have to feel so embarrassed about it. Tell me the truth."

Hinata blushed. He didn't want to admit it. Not to Kageyama-- never to Kageyama. He'd probably tease him about it. Though, he wasn't sure if he was sick. "I-I'm... I'm not sure, honestly..." he shrugged.

Before Hinata even noticed, the setter was next to him, his hand rested softly on his forehead.


"A fever." the setter announced.

"W-why does it matter to you-"

Suddenly, Hinata was pulled against the taller boy, his arms wrapped around him. What? What made Kageyama care about him all of a sudden?


"Is.... is that better?." he asked, flustered.

"Um. Sure." Hinata nodded as a smile stretched across his lips.

Again, there was silence. Hinata was flustered, of course. Why wouldn't he be? Kageyama is hugging him. For the first time, ever. More importantly, it was his crush. He didn't know what to do, and even if he tried to do something, he couldn't move. He was shocked. Instead, he lied there in the setters arms, trying to relax.

"H-Hinata... I need to tell you something. Something very important. I-I feel like I shouldn't keep it from you anymore..." Kageyama tucked his hand under the other's chin and lifted it up to his line of sight.

Hinata's eyes met with Kageyama's. They were locked for a moment. "O-okay. W-what is it that is so important?" he tried to sound as casual as possible, but of course, he failed.

"I... I like you." the setter finally confessed.

At last, Hinata's dream came true, when he least expected it. There was a long pause, until Hinata had finally built up the courage to reply.

"R-really? What... what a coincidence..."

"...a coincidence?" Kageyama's eyes widened. His whole face turned red. "H-how? W-w-wha??"

"Y-yeah, I-I... I like you too."


{I am so sorry if this is bad! This is actually my first fanfiction. I hope it came out somewhat all right!}

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