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Albus Potter looked around the hall, eyes wide. Four long tables lay down the sides with students sitting at them. He saw his brother looking at him. James gave Albus a nod. The boy stopped and stood next to Scorpius as Neville said, “When I call your name, sit down on the stool. The sorting hat will put you in your Houses……Weather, Chloe.”

A tall blond girl with freckles walked over and sat down. After a minute, the hat shouted “RAVENCLAW!” There was clapping from all the tables and cheering coming from Ravenclaw.

“Warehouse, Kelly.”


“Wan, Jake.”


“Claw, Darren.”


“Malfoy, Scorpius.”

Albus looked at his friend and whispered, “Good luck.” Malfoy grinned at him and walked up to the stool.

“SLYTHERIN!” Scorpius smiled and got up going to join the Slytherins.

“Potter, Albus.”

The hall fell silent and Albus went to the stool and sat down. The hat was placed on his head and it began to speak. “Ah, a Potter... You have courage, are smart and loyal…….. You hold passions within you that you have yet to find……SLYTHERIN!”

Albus looked startled and muttering sounded.

“WHAT!!” shouted a voice. Albus looked up and saw his brother James standing up. “HE CAN’T BE IN SLYTHERIN”

“Yeah! Re-house him!” shouted other Gryffindors.

“Silence!” shouted a voice. Albus looked up and saw a, aged witch stand up from the grand table. It was the head mistress, Professor McGonagall. “Mr. Potter has been put into Slytherin House. That is the end of that.”

Albus got up and walked to his table. He sat next to Scorpius. “I can’t believe you’re in Slytherin House,” the blonde whispered.

“Neither can I,” Albus whispered back.

“Weasley, Rose.”

Rose stepped up and sat down. “Another Weasley. GRYFFINDOR!” The Gryffindors clapped as Rose went to sit with them.

After the feast – which was very enjoyable – Slytherin's head boy Joe Hopkins lead them to the dungeons where the Slytherin dorm was. Albus and Scorpius walked together, behind of the other first years. They stopped when they came to a huge wooden door.

“Serperntstatus,” said Joe. The door creaked open and Joe walked through, Albus, Scorpius, and the other first years following. Albus looked around. There was a large fireplace, which had three couches and five other chairs around it. On the wall was the Slytherin flag and scarf, and a sculpture of a snake. Above the fire place was a portrait of Severus Snape, one of the men whom Albus was named after. He looked at Albus with interest then turned and walked off.

“Right, welcome to the Slytherin common room,” Joe said. “Boys’ dorms are to the left, girls’ on the right. Your luggage has been taken to your beds. Your time tables will be given to you over breakfast.” Albus and Scorpius went up the stairs and looked around.

“Hedwig!” Albus grinned, running over to his snowy white owl and stroking her feathers. He had got her for his birthday last year. Because she looked so much like Father’s first beloved bird, Albus had named his own owl Hedwig. The boy sat on his bed and watched Scorpius as he ruffled up his hair, making it look a lot better.

“Looks good,” Albus commented.

“Thanks, my dad likes it all pulled back. But I want more of a…..rocker style……Come on Albus, I’ll do yours.” Albus grinned and got up sitting on Scorpius’s bed as his friend gelled his hair.

“Much better,” Scorpius grinned. Albus laughed, just as two other Slytherin boys walked over.

“Hi,” said one of the boys, “I’m Jack Date.” Jack was a tall, lanky boy with green eyes and light brown hair.

“I’m Oscar Jones,” said the other boy. Oscar had black hair and blue eyes. He was the tallest out of the four of them.

Scorpius got up to introduce himself and his friend. “I’m Scorpius Malfoy and this is Albus Potter.”

“I can’t believe you’re in Slytherin. I mean, you’re Harry Potter’s son! We all thought you’d be in Gryffindor,” said Jack.

“To be honest, so did I,” agreed Albus. “I mean, my brother said they had saved me a bed.” They all laughed at that until Oscar looked back at Albus

“Well, don’t believe what people have told you about Slytherin. We’re not all mean,” smiled Oscar.

“I know that,” said Albus smiling.

“Great, now since that’s cleared up, who wants to play some wizards’ chess?”

“Thanks but no, I want to write to my parents,” said Albus.

“Yeah me too,” said Scorpius.

“Alright, see ya later.” Both Oscar and Jack walked off.

Albus sat down and opened his suite case. He took out his large roll of parchment and quill. “Can I borrow some ink?” he asked his best friend.

“Sure,” grinned Scorpius, pushing the bottle of ink to Albus.

“Thanks.” Albus dunked his quill into the ink and began to write the letter to his parents.

Dear Mum and Dad,

I’m in Slytherin house. No one can really believe it. James wants a re-housing but I don’t mind. I like it here. I’m with Scorpius Malfoy, and it’s okay because we’re best friends. Most of the guys here are cool. Rose is in Gryffindor so I’ll see her in some of my lessons, hopefully.

I’ll see you at Christmas,

Love, Albus

He rolled up the letter and put it in Hedwig’s ankle pouch. She gave him an affectionate nip and flew out of the room and up. Albus watched her go and smiled. So what if he was in Slytherin? He was happy. He had already made some new friends and he was settling in well. But Albus couldn’t wait ‘till lessons started the next day! .


what do you think?

im going to warn you now that their will be a little boy kissing boy but just remember their 11 so nothing but kissing but that will happen in a later chapter :)

Albus Potter And The Three Heart StonesWhere stories live. Discover now