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After several hours of dragging the Doctor from one shop to the next, Rose decided she'd tortured him enough for one day. The Doctor helped her carry her shopping bags back to the TARDIS, complaining sarcastically the whole way. When they got in and shut the doors against the chilly winter air, the Doctor began to flip switches and press buttons, sending them off through time and space... To Jackie Tyler's home.

As soon as they landed, the door flew open and Jackie herself stormed in and got in the Doctor's face, probably about to start nagging him about bringing Rose home more often and the dangers and all that. However, when she saw the Doctor's arms full of Rose's shopping bags, her eyes softened a bit. She didn't even slap him this time.

"Mum, hi!" Rose called. They hugged each other, then went to work bringing bags into the flat. The Doctor followed them in, rushing to get through the door before it closed.

"Thanks, though" he muttered to himself.

Once everything was inside, the trio set to work wrapping the gifts. This, at least, gave them all something to do with their hands. However, the Doctor's mind wandered. He rarely ever celebrated Christmas, so what was so special about this one? He knew the answer, but he couldn't bring himself to accept it. Accepting it would mean accepting that he loved Rose, and he couldn't do that. A Time Lord and a human...

The Doctor was jolted out of his thoughts when he felt his hand slip up the side of the wrapping paper. A drop of blood fell from his finger onto the paper he was currently working with. He cut the square up and crumpled it into a ball.

"Be right back, I'm just going to throw this out. Need me to get anything for you?" He held back a dejected sigh as they both shook their heads in response. Not even a word, he thought. He tossed the paper ball into a waste bin in the kitchen, then trudged unhappily towards the other room. He hesitated before entering, though. If the next few days were going to be anything like today, he didn't think he could make it. He needed a reason to get through it, but he still found himself unable to accept the fact that he was in love with Rose. Instead, he pushed his thoughts aside and continued into the living room.

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