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Quintin POV

I'm standing next to Essence and Aunt Zee , and soon as the Mr King went on...neither of them looked happy. It was like they'd seen a ghost. Aunt Zee ran off went to down a drink and Essence claimed she hated him with a passion.

Quintin: Why do hate him so much?

Ess: Just listen to the bastards speech!

Mr King:  And now I'd like to introduce my inspiration...my one and only child Adrian King. This boy is very intelligent and quite a ladies man like his father

Adrian: Seriously dad *blushes*

Essence: What! Quintin I want to leave..Now damn it!

Quintin: Essence you still have to meet my Aunt!

Essence: Quickly!

I don't waste anymore time, I find my uncle and aunt in a serious conversation. I get their attention and introduce ess.

Quintin: Uncle  Trey ,you've met Essence already and Aunt Zee, this is essence

Zee: Essence! Oh my gosh, I know her, I'm mentoring her at work. How are you lovey

Essence: Good, babe let's go.. Zee...Tr...yeah bye

With that Essence runs off, I chase after her, till I see that Adrian Kid hitting on her. I trip.

Adrian: Essence, hey Lil Sis, how are you, I miss you soo much

Essence: Bye Adrian!

Quintin:  Sis? Wait his your brother?

Essence doesn't answer, she runs out and takes a cab. I take my Uncles car and chase after her. There's a lot about Essence I don't know, I'm starting to doubt my relationship.


Tosha: Zee, did you see that? The way Essence and Trey acted when they saw each other?

Zee: Look sweety I'm tipsy. I just saw my annoying ex from long ago delivering a speech onstage..why would I worry about them two?

Tosha: Well you should...

Zee: Yeah Yeah...

Zee waddles off and Trey grabs Tosha's arm

Trey: Look, I don't know what you're on about but it must stop

Tosha: You mean Essence?

Trey: Yes! There's nothing that happened between us...understand!

Tosha: I didn't say anything about something between you two...unless?

Trey: You crazy...just go away and leave my wife alone.

Tosha: I'm onto to you Trey...I'll find out sooner or later

With that she walks of, leaving Trey in the corner alone, with a worried look.


I finally get a hold of Essence and get her in the car. I ask so many questions I confuse myself.

Essence: I'm frustrated...I've just seen my long lost father and brother

Quintin: Any more lies Essence?! You know what get the fuck out of this car...now!

Essence: What? Are you crazy...it's almost midnight and I could get hurt.

Quintin: You should've thought about that when you decided to lie to me. Now out!

Essence: Fine then Bitch! I have to take all of your shit all day and you can't just give me a break.

She get out the car and Quintin drives off to the robot. Essence starts crying and crosses the road when...

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