" Where is she anyways? " Jayy asked.

" I haven't seen her since we tried talking to her an hour ago. " Sammi frowned.

" I know. " Jey smiled and ran up the steps. She came back a few moments later with a frown. " I don't know."

" Chris! " CC called. We didn't get a reply." We should start loo-" he was cut off a phone ringing.

Dahvie grabbed it and put it on speaker while he sat on the floor looking through movies.

"Hello? " he asked and grabbed a disc.

" Is this David Torres? " a lady asked.

" Um yeah. Can I help you? " he asked looking worriedly at the phone. He stood up with it looking at Jayy.

" Do you know a Chris Scott? Female, 5'8 black hair? " The lady asked.

" Yeah it's my little sister? Why what's did she do? " he asked sitting next to Jayy.

" Miss Scott was in an accident. A truck hit her while she was on a motorcycle. He was texting and didn't notice the light had changed. She's in a coma." The woman said.

My head snapped up as I stared shocked at the phone. Dahvie and Jayy looked horrified while Jey sobbed and ran from the room.

" We-We'll be there in a few minutes." Dahvie chocked out. He ended the call and he and Jayy jumped up and ran from the room.

I followed them quickly and stopped Dahvie as Jayy went to get Jey.

" I want to come with you. " I said. I stared down at him hoping he would allow me. I had to see her. Had to apologize.

" Fine but any shit and Jayy is gonna kick your Ass." he warned.

I nodded, "I won't stop him either." Dahvie gave me a strange look before nodding and going to the garage.

I followed him and found Jayy and Jey already there. They were both sitting in the back with JeyJey crying on Jayys shoulder. I got in the passenger side and buckled up waiting for Dahvie to go.

The ride to the hospital seemed to take an eternity. The only sound was JeyJey in the back sobbing quietly into Jayy. When we finally arrived I jumped out and all but sprinted inside. Jnx Jayy and Dahvie were right on my heels as I stopped in front of the nurse desk.

"Chris Scotts room? " I asked hoping she would cooperate.

" Who are you to her? " she asked in a monotonous voice like she didn't care.

" I'm her boyfriend and this is her brothers and sister." I gritted out.

She glanced up at me with a smirk, "Room 209." I nodded and started to walk away with the others. I felt a hand grab onto my arm and stopped looking back at the blonde. "Why don't I show you a real women, while you emo cunt is in a coma." she purred.

I glared back at her as I yanked my arm from her. " No thanks, I love my girlfriend and," I made a show of looking her up and down, "I've never really liked Sluts."

She gapped at me as I walked away from her. The others were gone already and was nervous about showing up late when we got here together. I pushed the door open quietly but still all eyes snapped to me.

" What took so long?! " Jayy demanded standing over me. I explained what happened and he reluctantly sat down.

I moved over to the other side of the bed and looked down at Chris.

Her right arm was red and cut up, I could tell the whole right side probably was. Road rash covered her whole right side, her neck was pretty messed up. Her face was okay for the most part and I guess that's from wearing a helmet. Her left arm was in a cast and her head was bandaged but I could see the red of blood sinking through. She was covered from the waist down so I don't know how bad it could be. Where she wasn't bandaged or scraped she was pale. Her hair was a mess and the damn machines hooked up to her made her seem tiny.

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