Chapter 47

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Lottie pulled Ginny into her arms. "Oh, I'm so glad you're all right. Why don't you come back to my house?"

Ginny nodded. She hadn't seen much of Lottie lately and this would be a good time to really to her. Ginny starred up at her older sister. This was not the Lottie she knew, no this was someone different.

Lottie took Ginny's hands and led her through the starring cried. Ginny didn't really mind the starring. It wasn't like something was going to happen because of the starring.

The walk to Lottie's house did not take long at all and soon Ginny find herself shoved into a little room. Lottie made Ginny sat down and then sat across from her.

"Alexander's at work ask so we can work and not be overheard," Lottie said.

Ginny glanced around the room. It was full of fancy furniture and seemed to be in perfect order. The rest of the house was beautiful as well. But it was so quiet. Ginny works never be able to deal with how quiet it was.

"Are you all right Lottie, being in her with all the quiet?"

"Ah it'd not so bad once you get used to it. Besides, I'll have someone to keep me company very soon," she said, indicating to her large stomach. Ginny had no choice but to laugh. "And start about you? Are you holding up? I know Stephen's death was hard on you…"

"I think I'm doing all right. Life's moving on."

"That's good. Mother told me she found some gentlemen for you to meet. How has that been going?"

"It's been interesting," Ginny said, neglecting to mention why.

"It is interesting, isn't it? I felt the same way when I first began to court Alexander…" Lottie said, her voice beginning to take a dreamy tone.

Ginny, however, was taken aback. Lottie thought she was courting Christian. Was she? No, Ginny would never agree to court Christian no matter for much her mother pressed. She was her own person who could make get own decisions. She wasn't a puppet that could be controlled by just a few strings. No, she had many more.

"How is Alexander?" Ginny asked, changing the topic of conversation.

"Oh he's well. He's an apprentice at Maxwell Scott's. He loves his work and his master's very kind to him."

"That's a good thing. You sound well off."

"I am, thank you Virginia."

"Oh Lot- Charlotte, I ask you a favor?"

"Yes?" Lottie asked, her eyebrows raised.

"If Mother asks what happened to my cheek, will you tell her I fell?"

Lottie sighed, however she seemed to understand. "Yes, I will tell her."

"Thank you Charlotte," Ginny said giving Lottie a hug.

"You're welcome Virginia. Now you best be going home before Mother gets angry."

"All right Charlotte, I'll see you soon," Ginny said walking out the door. Her cheek wasn't as red anymore, but there was a large black bruise. She'd have a time explaining good to Mother.

When Ginny arrived home, Mother agreed what happened. Ginny told her she fell. Mother didn't seem to buy it, but she did not question her for one reason or another.

A week passed, and then on June 8th Mother ran over to Lottie' s house meet her grandson. Ginny soon followed. She was tingling with excitement as she walked to Lottie' s house.

Nelly and Bess came with her and they could not contain their excitement. They saved through the streets, singing nonsense. They were overjoyed at the thought of having surgery baby in the family since little Tommy was four months old all ready.

Soon enough, Lottie' s house came into view. Nelly squealed and charged forward. Bess filed suit. "Bess! Nelly! Slow down!" Ginny cried, but her sisters paid no attention. They just kept running. Ginny sighed and followed after them.

They just about burst into the house, but Ginny managed to green them by the collars. They nearly fell backwards, but caught their balances and shot Ginny a look. Ginny put a finger to het lips. Bess and Nelly thankfully understood.

The three slipped inside quietly. Ginny noticed for Nelly and Bess to stay put well she went into Lottie' s room.

"Hello," Ginny wwhispered, cracking the door open.

"Oh Virginia," Lottie said, smiling weakly. "Come in. Come meet Joseph."

Ginny slipped into the room, quietly shutting the door. She walked over to her sister who cradling a small child in her arms.

"Oh he's darling," Ginny said as she peered at her newest nephew.

"Can I hold him?" Ginny asked. Lottie nodded and slipped the small child into Ginny's arms.

"Why is his name Joseph?" Ginny asked.

"It's June 8th, Joseph died on this day  thirteen years ago. I thought it would honor his memory. One Joseph's life ended, another begins. So that's his name, Joseph Daniel Kersey."

"He's beautiful," Ginny said. He had his father's red hair and though his eyes were now more, Ginny had no doubt that they would eventually turn green like his mother's.

"He's a red head," Ginny mumbled breathlessly.

"He is. Just like his father," Lottie said dreamily.

"Where is his father?" Ginny asked, looking around for Alexander.

"He's getting his mother. She'll be here soon, so I suggest if you don't want to see her you leave soon."

"Oh dear! I probably should let Bess and Nelly in then, shouldn't I?" Ginny asked handing Joseph back his mother. She quickly let her rambunctious sisters in.

"Can I see him? Can i hold him?" Bess cried.

"What's his name? What's his name?" Nelly called.

"Shush," Ginny said in response. "He's asleep" surprisingly Bess and Nelly listened. They walked over to Lottie and Joseph.

Ginny walked to the back of the room and lay her back against the wall. She started at Lottie and precious  little Joseph. She couldn't help but marvel how much Lottie had changed since they moved to America.

Lottie had become less selfish and she didn't care as much over small things. She seemed to know what was important and what wasn't. For someone who didn't want to move, she seemed to embrace it.

Ginny began to think about how she had changed. She wasn't as shy. She she knew how to embrace fun. She was less insecure and began to almost think of herself as pretty. She knew why

"Nelly,  Bess I think it's time to go," Ginny said. The two then succeed in protest but recently filed Ginny home.

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