Chapter 2

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Slowly, my eyes fluttered open. Focusing on the blurry warped world around me. I saw nothing, white blanketed everything like a fresh cover of snow. Heaven. The word registered itself into my thoughts, clouding them. Death, the word fought for its place in my head. Was I dead and in heaven? The two words combined and strung a sentence. The was no other plausible explanation. Save for the chances of my decomposing in hell.

Presumingly, that I was now in hell. The likelihood of me being in heaven stood the same chances, as did the possibility I was alive, or in hell. Between the three, I was leaning more to being in heaven. Afterall why would I be alive? I couldn't wrap my mind around life. I drowned, didn't I? Knowing Naoki, I was as good as dead to him the moment I took the fall. He wouldn't dare safe me, and my audience would have been too shocked to save me.

I sighed, I suppose heaven is like a second life then. You don't know if you're dead or not. The idea of not knowing where you stand is nauseating. It turns out, that there very well might be a life after death.

"You are awake now child?"The voice of an elderly man filled my ears. My eyes widened, and my breath hitched in my throat. Shit. Be it heaven, hell, or the world of the living. I was truly screwed over now. Lucifer, God, Jesus, Satan, Michael...? It could be any of them, though, God was my best guess. He was always depicted as an old, aged man.

I would have looked to soothe my curiosity, but I didn't have the stomach to do so. Even if it wasn't one of the religious figures, then it could mean I was safe, and alive. I scoffed. Who am I kidding? "The odds are never in my favour."(1). With my rotten luck, the man would be a serial rapist or a killer all under the guise of an old man.

I visibly shuddered at the thought.

It doesn't matter who it is, I cannot give in! I will not let him do with me as he desires! That long lost spark inside of me was reignited. I was damned as is, fighting back would give me a sense of power. A sense that I was in control of my life.

"Calm down..." I felt a hand on my shoulder.


Instinctively, I smacked the hand, and backed away. I hate it when I'm touched! NO, no, no, no, no! I don't care who you are, who you think you are, or what your intentions are. If you touch me, I'm going to fight back. If you don't remove yourself from my personal space, then you may get bitten.

Honestly, I had the instincts, nothing short of that belonging to an animal when I'm put into a situation such as this. Not that I am the only person who acts like this. Surely, there are other people who act the same?

A sigh filled the room, pulling me from my racing thoughts. "You will not be harmed, you are in Konoha's medical facility. I as the Hokage will see to your safety."

Hokage...? The words lingered in my mind the longest. Fire shadow...? It must be a pseudonym of some kind,a different identity he goes by.

I'm not dead, that was for sure now. The obnoxiously loud beating of my heart was proof enough of that.

It then hit me. OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! I was at the mercy of a Japanese Hugh Hefner. It's all over... I'm royally fucked over.

No, massive understatement. I cannot process another more suiting phrase or word, but I know that royally fucked does it injustice. This man will rape me, and kill me! I'll never be seen again!

My breathing was rough, fast, and rapid. My mind was swirling, I didn't know what to think. I was absolutely terrified.

"CHILD! BREATHE!"The words of the Hokage were distant, merging with the clicking of heels against tile, and shouts. I couldn't hear anything, but my heart beat and a ringing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2013 ⏰

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