The Yin-Yang Warrior

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Oogway smiled. "It can be very difficult to choose which path to go down when there are so many roads and each one offers a way to please you," he told the panda. "However, if you do not possess the will or the balance to walk the road you want, the rest of the journey shall be very difficult."

"I just wish I didn't have so many people I might disappoint if I pick what I want."

"Well, that is why you are here. To train and learn how to balance yourself."

The master walked back onto the island. "To begin," he informed Po. "We shall start with some basics."

Oogway began creating an image of Po's two dads, Li on one side of Oogway and Mr. Ping on the other side.

"'s this supposed to help?!" Po exclaimed.

"They're here to support you," Oogway told him. "If you wish to seek your balance, you must be able to accept or deflect whatever comes your way."

Po blinked. "Okay..." he said in slight confusion. "And how am I supposed to find my balance?"

"By showing you the roads you may take."

Oogway gestured for Po to follow him and he proceeded to lead him towards the back of the peach tree where they were out of sight from the images of Mr. Ping and Li. Upon rounding the corner, Po was greeted by another familiar face he never thought he'd see again.

"Tai Lung?!" the panda exclaimed in shock. "What the heck are you doing here?!"

"Tai Lung has been here for years in an effort to mend his errors," Oogway explained. "While his physical body is too damaged for him to return to you, he can still have a second chance in this place."

"I'm trying," came the flat reply from the snow leopard. "Obviously I'm doing a horrible job since I'm still here."

"No one ever said redemption can take place in one night," Oogway reminded him. "You still have yet to find your inner peace before ascending out from these islands."

Tai Lung said nothing.

"Um...hi," Po said nervously, waving a paw. "I'm guessing that asking how you're doing is out of the question?"

"Clearly," Tai Lung replied. "Nice to see you again, Dragon Warrior."

"You too...I guess."

Tai Lung, who was leaning against the peach tree, stood up and said, "'re having trouble deciding what to do with yourself, I hear. Can't say I blame you. Your dads really seem to enjoy playing tug-of-war."

"Hey!" Po yelled. "They're not doing it on purpose!"

Tai Lung shrugged. "If you insist," he said. Looking at Oogway, he added, "So if that's all, I suppose I'll be your errand boy and grab the props. Like I always seem to do."

As he stomped off, Po glanced over at Oogway and asked quietly, "Are you sure he's trying to change?"

"Tai Lung is sorry for his past actions," Oogway explained. "But that does not mean he does not get bitter about the consequences."

The two stood silently waiting for Tai Lung to reappear when they suddenly heard, "What are you staring at?! Enjoying my descent into madness?!"

Oogway sighed. "It appears that he has seen your fathers," he noted.

"Oogway, you put them there on purpose!!!" came the snow leopard's angry remark.

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