I was really into that show a few years ago.

"The shows ok, but they put to many laugh tracks in moments that there shouldn't be any." He says, and I shrug.

"I haven't seen the show in almost two years. It's an old lunch box." I take the box and shove it in my bag, which I left by the swing.

I wasn't scared of being robbed because 1. Who would want to steal school supplies? And 2. I'm the only one in the park right now. Well I was... But I would know if somebody looks at my stuff.

(But my taste of music IS YOUR FACE! {hehe guess what I'm listening to}) (if you guessed Fruit Salad from the wiggles YOUR WRONG!)

"So, shitty stalker Sherlock, when do you wanna meet up for that project?" I ask. He is not amused by the addition to his long nickname.

"What if YOU do MY paper, and give it to me?" He asked, completely ignoring the question.

"Well how about no. (Then he waddled away, waddle waddle) Because, then what about my paper?" I'm really getting pissed with this dude.

"I can do it." I just shake my head.

"Aw come on, Benson, don't you trust me?" He asked in a teasing tone, and gave me one of his most charming smiles.

"Nope. Not one bit." I reply without hesitation. His charming façade wilts into a more pissed one.

"Then how about we just, you know, not do it?" I shake my head again.

"As a wise, wise man once said, inspiring thousands, leading many to success, JUST. DO IT! So why, shitty stalker Sherlock, should we not listen to the advice of the wise Shia LeBeuf?" I dramatically put my hand on my heart, and threw the other in the air, as if I was some very bad actor in a romantic comedy. I managed to make him laugh, but he tried to cover it up with a scoff.

He failed.

"If your SO insistent, *insert my roll of the eyes* tomorrow after school?" He asks. Now HE rolls his eyes.

"We'll see. No promises, but a definite maybe. Ok Shitty Stalker Sherlock?" I ask him, and he shrugs.

"Alright. Which reminds me, since your nickname for me is 'Shitty Stalker Sherlock' I'll call you 'Babbling Basic Bitch'" he smirks, and I *once again* glare with all my might. "It's only fair!" As he says that, he turns and leaves. I huff in annoyance, gather my school stuff rather harshly, and storm home, in a slow way.

But, once I see my house, something surprises me, like A LOT more than if I won the lottery or something.

There were 2 cars in my driveway.

And the second car WASN'T unfamiliar to me.

-Joey Smith-

"A-And then, I-I found h-h-him kissing s-someone else!" My little sister (younger than me by 14 months) was bawling over her boy- ex-boyfriend.

And this ex-boyfriend probably will wake up without a dick tomorrow.

I already have my scissors ready.

Ms. Fife r⃠u⃠i⃠n⃠e⃠d⃠ SAVED! My Life (Goodgirl/badboy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt