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You know what? This has gone far enough. I need to talk to her. I mean, what did I do wrong to make her this way?

I am going to apologise for what I did wrong. Well, whatever that is.

I went to her table and sat across her. She was alone, just like last time.

"Min Jung ah." I called out.

"Wae?" she stated.

"Why are you mad at me?" I asked.

"I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed. How can someone I trust the most betray me? Why can't you just tell me the truth, Taehyung?" she asked. That was the first time she said my name after so long. I missed it.

"I know but how did I betray you? I didn't do anything." I said.

"On the last night of camp, I lost my phone. I figured it might be in the campsite because that's where I last saw it. Anyway, I found it and was about to leave but I overheard your conversation with Haeyoung. You guys were saying how much you love each other." I explained.

"You know what? This is stupid. I should just leave." I stated but a hand grabbed my wrist before I could leave.

"I heard your story. Shouldn't you listen to mine?" he asked.

I was hesitant but I sat down and heard him.

"Listen, I don't know what you heard but all I knew was, I was helping Mrs Jung with her books. I promised to meet you afterwards but when I went to your tent, you were already sleeping in the sleeping bag. It is impossible for me to even be in engaged in a conversation with her." he explained.

"Wait, you're telling the truth?"


"He's right. I saw it all on that night. When you picked up your phone, Haeyoung actually faked Taehyung's voice using her phone. I saw her, Min Jung." Jinyoung stated.

"Jinjja? Wow, Taehyung, I'm sorry. I totally misunderstood you." I apologised.

"No, it's fine. And Jinyoung, thanks. I owe you one." he stated.

"Aww, you guys are patching up."

"But we are still not friends." they said in unison.

"Yeah, right."


Seeing the girl of my dreams together with my best friend, I'm a great guy, aren't I? I wanted to help them. Taehyung is my friend. So is Min Jung. I will help them even if Taehyung and I aren't on good terms. Would it be different if Taehyung and I didn't fight years ago?


6 Years Ago...

"Yah, Jinyoung, let's have a friendly match of basketball later." he said.

"Sorry, I can't. I'm meeting up with Jungkook later. We are going to the arcade. Wanna come?" I asked.

"Uh, nah. You guys go ahead." he replied.

"You sure?" I asked again.

"Yeah." he replied.

"Suit yourself." I said.

We went back to our respective homes. To be honest, I think Taehyung is jealous of Jungkook.


It was the next day. Taehyung and I decided to meet up in the park. But I forgot and Jungkook happened to call me and I can't say no to a friend.

"Taehyung ah, mian. I totally forgotten about our meet up. I was at home when Jungkook suddenly called me." I explained.

"Yah, I've waited for an hour and I found out that you've been hanging out with that brat?" he said, trying to contain his anger.

"That brat? What's up with you? I mean, I noticed you've been very cold lately. Are you okay?" I said, raising one of my eyebrows.

"I'm fine. Look, I am not trying to be rude or anything but I have something to tell you. It's about Jungkook." he said.

"Jungkook? What about him?" I asked, with a confused expression plastered on my face.

"He is not who you think he is. He is betraying you." he said.

"Puwhat? Hahah. There is no way Jungkook would ever do that. He is way to innocent." I replied laughing.

"I'm serious. I heard him leak our secret about our hangout in school." he said.

"Tae, no. Like I said, he is too innocent. He will never do that. Are you jealous of our friendship or something? You know, you don't have to make up stories. Just, tell me the truth." I said, this time, with a more serious expression.

"I am! If you don't believe me, don't come back crying saying how you felt betrayed." he said and left.

Was he really telling the truth?


It's been weeks after the incident and Taehyung and I have not spoken a word to one another. I will always see him alone. To be honest, I pity him.


Since Jungkook wanted me to show him the hangout, I showed it to him. Soon enough, his gang entered the hangout.

"Jinyoung ah, we need to talk." he stated.

"Yeah, for starters, who are they?" I asked.

"My crew. So, please leave. My pals and I are going to use this place. I would invite you but you don't belong here." he said.

"Taehyung was right. Ugh. I can't believe you wrecked our friendship." I said before I left.


After school, I was sitting alone on the bench. When Taehyung came.

"Jinyoung ah, neo gwencana?" he said, trying to sound as nice as possible.

"You! It's your fault that he broke our friendship and took our hangout!" I suddenly yelled.

"Me? I wouldn't do anything to wreck your friendship! Besides, how is it my fault he took our hangout, you're the one who showed it to him!" he yelled back.

"You know what Taehyung? If we happen to meet each other again, I'll surely get my revenge. Have a safe flight, Kim.Tae.Hyung." I said, emphasising his name.

I hate admitting I'm wrong so I decided to lie to him. All this while, he was right.

*End Of Flashback*

Taehyung, the least I could do is to let you live well. Let's go back to being friends ayee?

I wish I could tell him that.


So, I guess Jinyoung is wrong? Ohkay, how do I say this? I know my story is downgrading but I'm trying. Right now, I am trying to focus on my homework so yes, my story is going downhill. Anyway, thangyu for readingg.

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