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December 20th

Jamie pulled his scarf tighter around his neck as he crossed the street in the cold New York afternoon. He had planned a flight to California to see Dana, but it had been overbooked. Jamie graciously gave up his seat to a young husband so he could spend the holiday with his wife and young children. Jamie knew Dana would be disappointed but she would have her friends and her family to keep her company and he would have the company of his own family.

Jamie reached into his pocket for his keys and turned toward the nearly deserted parking lot. There only appeared to be a score of other vehicles in a lot that was usually full to capacity. He quickened his pace as the wind grew colder and whistled by his ears. On the rush of wind he heard a soft sound come from a nearby car. He slowed his step and listened more closely.

"Ow, damn it!" the voice swore again. "It's too cold for this!"

The voice belonged to a woman and she appeared to be distressed. Jamie zeroed in on the car, Silver Porsche. Eddie. The voice belonged to Eddie, it had been distorted by the wind. He casually moved closer to the car and it's small yet irate owner. "Hey, Eddie. What's wrong?"

The sound of his voice startled her and she immediately took a defensive posture. She reached into her pocket for her off duty when she realized it was Jamie. "Reagan, what are you doing back here? Shouldn't you be half way to Los Angeles?"

"Flight was overbooked so I volunteered to stay home, it's okay. It wouldn't feel like Christmas anyway with palm trees instead of the Scotch pine my grandpa always gets. What's wrong with your car?"

"Flat tire," Eddie griped. "Getting a jack up under this thing is a pain in the ass."

"Then let me have a look, perhaps I can get the car jacked up so you can be on your way."

They'd been partners for four months now, and while they were becoming friends Eddie was still wary around him. His careful, easy tone calmed her down from her earlier ire, and she nodded, "All right, I'd like your help. Thank you."

Jamie moved closer to examine the situation, "Do you have your flashlight?" he asked stooping on the cold, wet ground.

"My good one is in my locker and I don't think the bulb in the one in the car works," Eddie replied through clenched teeth as she shivered in the cold.

"I have a light in my car," Jamie said rising from this crouched position. "Why don't you get in the car and fire the engine up, get out of the cold until I get back?"

"You can't jack up the car with me in it?" Eddie sighed. "It's all right you can go, I'm sure you have somewhere to be."

"Actually, yes, I do," Jamie replied. "I have to be over at my car so I can retrieve my flashlight and get you on your way. Sit in the car, get warm."

"By the time that car throws any heat you can change all four tires, I'll walk with you. Keep the blood pumping."

Jamie met her pretty blue eyes and smiled, "Good idea." She fell into step beside him. She respected her partner since the day they first met, his manner and presence defined a gentleman.

The night seemed to descend upon them quickly as they made their way from one end of the parking lot to the other. Neither spoke, the wind would drown out their voices, but their steps were perfectly in sync with one another until the heel of Eddie's fashion boot hit a patch of ice disguised as plain water. Her ankle twisted painfully forcing her leg out from under her. She hit the ground hard with a squeal of surprise and an unceremonious thud.

Jamie paused at Eddie's cry and turned quickly to see his partner lying on the wet ground. Her soft blue eyes were closed as Jamie dropped to his knees and removed his gloves so he could place his hand on Eddie's cheek, "Eddie," Jamie said urgently. "Eddie, can you..."

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