Chapter 2- School work, weird dreams and necklaces

Start from the beginning

Iroh dove straight into it, telling me about the four nations and the element each one controlled. He had to show me a little bit of firebending, because I was still a bit skeptical about it. He then told me about the Avatar, the Spirits, the war. I was absolutely horrified about it, from the genocide of the Air Nomads to the raids on the Water Tribes. I also learnt that he was Zuko's uncle, which I didn't believe at first.

'How can you be related to that beet-faced angry teenager who calls himself a prince?! You're both so different!' I said in a shocked voice. Iroh just laughed, slapping a hand on his belly. I was also interested to find out that each nation's people had a strict set of physical and mental characteristics that echoed the ones of their element. The Fire Nation, I had already noticed, had pale skin like me, black hair and gold or amber eyes. They also were very passionate, and seemed to get frustrated and angry easily. Or that may have just been a certain prince. The Water Tribe people, Iroh told me, had tanned skin, brown hair and blue eyes like mine, and were often very kind and forgiving, though not to be underestimated. The Earth Kingdom people were stubborn, and had medium to tanned skin and had hazel, green or dark brown eyes as well as dark brown hair, sometimes with a bit of curl to it, which I had. The Air Nomads, Iroh had said, had a quick mind and a great sense of humour, with grey eyes and long limbs for airbending. I looked down at my arms and legs, and admitted that they were rather long.

'You are rather unusual, because you do not seem to conform to any of the stereotypes,' Iroh said to me.

Eventually, a soldier came and stuck his head in the cell, saying that Prince Zuko demanded Iroh to come up to dinner at once, since it was served half an hour ago and he is hungry. Iroh chuckled at this, saying something about teenage boys and their food. He bid me goodnight and promised to return tomorrow. When the door closed behind him I flopped onto my bed, my thoughts running around my head in a jumble of chaos and noise. People who could bend the elements, spirits who controlled the world, the 100 year war. This is going to take some getting used to, I thought to myself as I closed my eyes.


I found myself floating in nothingness. It was odd, but not as freaky as I thought it would be strangely enough. It felt a bit like being in a warm pool, but without the water and I could breath just fine. My fingers grasped for something, but only got air. I couldn't see anything so I just closed my eyes and focused on my surroundings. Am I alone? For once in my life, am I totally alone?

'I hope you know what you are doing.' A furious, arrogant and undoubtedly masculine voice of flame resonated through the darkness. Whelp, not alone then.

'I hope I do too.' Another voice joined the first, this time it was a light, humourous voice full of wisdom.

Now that I could hear the voices, I could also sense their ancient presence, and I knew there were more of...whatever these things were.

'Well, at least she passed through the portal safely. The other mortal did his job well.' This was a soft, yet hard voice of a woman, and what she said perked my interest. She? Other mortal? Portal? Hey, that rhymed. No, Amelia, stay focused. Who are these people? Or...things.

'Yes, the Prince will be particularly useful, I think,' said the smug voice of flame.

'Yes, of course the Prince of your people will be useful,' said a new voice full of sarcasm. This voice reminded me of the calm lakes and the stormy seas, although he didn't sound very calm at the moment....

'What is that supposed to mean?!' the voice of flame growled out. Hmm, I don't know why, but that voice reminded me of someone.

'Oh, nothing, I just hope you have not forgotten that it is your people that have gotten us in this mess in the first place!'

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