Chapter 1

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ThatOneSuperDork (TOSD)= Dave POV

ThatOneParanoidKid (TOPK) = John POV

Also all of the intro was done by the wonderful and awesome TOPK


Oh shit. You hit egberts face. You keep all your cool and watch the boy stumble back before walking back to his window "Dave!!!!!!!!" He practically screams folding his arms. You slightly chuckle, every time he attempts being angry he just comes off as extremely adorable. He threatens your stoic behavior. Nepeta has already mentioned to you both how much she and jade Jades words this 'brotp' . She's dorky in her own aspect and of you were straight you might date her. John usually...Your knocked out of that thought by call hitting your face. You almost scream. Key word is almost because if a strider screams, they are a disgrace to all striderkind. You grab cal and throw him half way across the room.

Now you direct your attention to your lovely Apple juice which you took from cal before he could hurt the innocent thing. Actually. You should probably remove cal from the premises

Dave do just that----»

You turn back to egderp, who has his arms folded waiting on you to answer his pester.

EG: I don't understand why your afraid of that puppet.

TG: my fucking Apple juice and shitty SBURB disk were at stake.

TG: By the way Rose mentioned something about the beta being a

TG: 'very un-useful glitched rip-off of a game and just a troll'

EG: awww. I really wanted to play that.

TG: Well. Sorry not sorry. That game seemed like shit anyways

EG: I fell for that childish 'buy it now' shit

TG: this is why your an egdork.

Eg: Dave. No.

Right here John throws his rabbit plush at your face

TG: but Dave yes. And ow. B/

EG: :B

TG: ugh. Your not getting it back.

EG: no!

TG: I'm kidding this thing isn't your child

EG: your right. Casey's my kid.

TG: *facepalm* no.

EG: yesssss

TG: whatever. Want wait till Monday -_-

EG: what did you do?

TG: not my homework that for sure.

EG: I'm not helping you!

TG: I don't need help. I need to burn cal and smuppets and homework

TG: and watch it burn into ashes

EG: violent much.

TG: B)

EG: only time you ever see a strider smile, on a texting app

TG: Omfg.

EG: :B

EG: bye

-Ectobiologist ceased pestering turntechgodhead-

TG: bye dude

-turntechgodhead ceased pestering ectobiologist-

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