Broken. (Reader x Dean) (Pt. 1)

911 21 12

Imagine that...
Dean Cheats.

-Harsh language
-Sadd ⊙︿⊙


You shuffle your way back to the bunker, you were tipsy, but sober enough to drive yourself home.

You and Dean had had a nasty fight a few hours ago, eventually ending with you storming out of the door with your leather jacket.

The two of you had been dating for 3 years now, of course there had been minor arguments and whatnot before - but this time you both had crossed the line...

You remembered every second of the argument.

You were relentless to him, talking about how you were sick of being treated childishly.

While Dean had gotten so fed up, he had said,

"Well maybe if you hadn't gotten your family killed, I wouldn't have to care about you like they could've!"

That was when you finally had snapped, hurling a beer bottle at him before rushing out.

You had sufficiently calmed down, and you were ready to talk to him about it... Even though you were nervous as hell.

Opening the door to the bunker, you look down at the mess that made up the entire room, trailing into the library further ahead. It looked perfectly the same as when you had left it.

Papers and books scattered around the table, some had fallen to the floor in all of the commotion. The beer bottle you had thrown must've missed, since you could see the sharp dark brown shards laying in the corner.

You sighed, running a hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair.

Slowly walking down the steps you decide to clean it up first as a way to stall from facing Dean.

You walk through the library and into the hallway. Shuffling your way down the hall, you hum as you go. It was always a small action that you seemed to perform when you were nervous.

You were feet from Deans room, but you stop cold when you see a hot pink lace bra, strewn on the ground.

Immediately, you knew it wasn't yours, since the only bras you had were either black or (e/c).

Your heart drops, when you uncomfortably hear moans pour from Dean's open door.

You cover your mouth, keeping in a sob, as tears threatening to fall from your eyes.

You slowly walk down to his door and decide to not even act about it shyly.

Pushing the slightly open door wide open, you finally break.

You see Deans back.

He's ontop of a blonde.

Both naked.

You let out a loud sob, causing the two to stop their motions- Dean froze.

He quickly turns to see you standing at the door with tears streaming down your cheeks.

"(Y/n)–"Dean yells, as both betrayal and anger fill your body, and you run to your room.

Dean climbs off of the confused girl, pulling on his boxers and shirt that lay on the floor.

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