Let it begin

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My wrists are bound behind my back by heavy chains, "How long have you been waiting to tie me up Sebastian?" I joked

"Quite a while" He whispered against my neck with a light smile, "You really are a perverted bastard Sir"I hissed. he started kissing me softly on the lips, I roughly bit down on his bottom lips causing him to pull back. "Let me go" I hissed attempting to break the chains, "I don't think I will" he smiled raising his hand to his mouth to wipe away the blood.

"So what are you planning to achieve Sebastian? you know when I get out of here, You will be a dead man" I growled out thrashing around in the seat, "What can your little 'husband' do. Your locked up here and there is no way for him to get you". I chuckled lightly my throat still sore from earlier, "Don't you worry about Claude, it's me you have to be afraid of. I've broken you once before Sebastian I'll gladly do it again. Besides what can you do? your too soft that Child has you acting like a puppet"

His eyes narrowed and he broke the chains, lifting me up he slammed my back into the wall with his hand at my throat. "I'll show you what I can do" he whispered darkly into my ear and his nails dug into my throat.

I pressed my back further into the corner still glaring at the demon who had me still pinned against a wall. I gasped again at his icy breath on my skin, sending shivers though my body. He smiled against my neck when he bit down on my shoulder, the insult I was about to shout was pushed to the back of my mind as I concentrated on standing. "S.S.Sebastian" I muttered trying to push him away half heatedly, "I knew you'd cave in " He whispered into my hair with a smirk .

That's when I froze he is trying to get me to brake, Oh I don't like to lose.

I flipped our positions so he was pinned against the wall my hands were wrapped around his neck with my fingers in his hair, I looked up into his brown eyes biting my bottom lip while twirling the ends of his hair between my fingers. His hands slipped around my waist, he leaned down to my height. I trailed one of my hands along his face stopping at his chin, pulling it down for his lips to meet my own.

He groaned as I pushed at his chest pushing him down onto a chair and climbed on his lap teasing his lips with soft kisses, his hands danced along my sides for a bit before landing on my waist. While he was distracted by me kissing down his neck I pinned his hands under my knees, he didn't seem to notice this and he continues to play with the hem of my shirt.

I pulled back and slowly undid the first button on his shirt until it was on the floor, there was still the mark on his chest from last year. "So long ago, yet still strong and vibrant as if the mark was made yesterday" I muttered dragging my hands up his chest and I traced the outline of the mark with my nail softly. "Hmmm, it was and you were soo much colder back then" Sebastian said into my neck with a smile.

My eyes narrowed,"You think I'm soft?" I hissed through my teeth digging my nails into his chest in the same area,"I. My friend. am far from. soft" I dug my nails in deeper each time I said something. "Why do you think I've played along with this foolishness? because I missed you? Pfft. because I needed to get out of here and back to Claude" I laughed bitterly ripping a chunk out of his chest.

He groaned deeply in pain,"I guess this is what the humans call 'Deja vu'" I scoffed at this and climbed off him slapping him across the face. He remained seated, "Fight back you bastard" I hissed. "I didn't wait this long to have you sit there again, Fight back. I don't want to win because your to pathetic to fight me" I growled and he grabbed my arm pulling me down to his height, "What happened to the girl I fell in love with?" his hands were on either side of my face and he looked deep into my eyes as if he was searching for......well me.

"The girl you fell in love with never existed" I grinned trying to pull away from him, "She was an order nothing more"

"Your Lying!!" Sebastian Cried out , tears began to pool in his scarlet red eyes. I looked at him with distain and disgust. "Your so pathetic, you know that!" I spat, "A demon crying over something as worthless as love, it's disgusting".

His eyes narrowed and I was flung into the wall, I chuckled softly realising what his weakness is......it is me. I could use that against him in the fight.

I picked up the leg of the broken table and held it over my shoulder ready to strike. With an evil grin.....I made the first move

Let the game begin.


Haii . So yahhhhhhh here have a chapter, I'm not overly happy with how I've written this one but it'll do till I edit.

So I've started some other stories and fics so I'll work on them bit by bit but that could mean that this one isn't my top priority anymore but I will still update it.

Thanks for reading

-K x

The spider's wife, The Crow's weakness,  (BlackButler fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora