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March 13, 2016
4:33 PM

niall: li

liam: huh

niall: she deleted her line account, isn't she?

liam: please tell me who is this she we are talking about

niall: lily......
niall: how should i contact her akwownwlmslwmskwmw
niall: i tried to call her tho

liam: and?

niall: it ended up to a mailbox

liam: is that so?
liam: i really don't know about this number thingy
liam: sorry
liam: can't help you

niall: what the fuck man

liam: i mean is it just me or that you are really slow

niall: shut up
niall: wdym?

liam: no

niall: ever heard a word fuck you come out of my mouth?

liam: dude

niall: dude
niall: the other day she told me she's moving to another town
niall: don't you ever dare to tell me she's not kidding
niall: she's not coming up to school because she was just sick
niall: right?

liam: man
liam: is it really hard for you to accept?
liam: it's not like she's going overseas
liam: it's just dublin
liam: it's not that far for mullingar huh

niall: but still
niall: why?

liam: are you expecting me to say that she's moving out because of you?
liam: lol that would be the best reason ever
liam: her mom is a prosecutor
liam: all this time she has been devolving

niall: do you think that reason suddenly made the problem clear?

liam: dude
liam: can you stop


oh srsly

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