2) My social life.

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Okay, there are groups of people.

The Jocks.
The Geeks.
The Freaks.
The Emo.
The Skaters.
The Nice.
The Normal.
And then, you have me.
The Me.

I play soccer.
I am a huge geek.
I am very anti-social.
I have freaking black hair.
I have a skate board.
I am very kind.
I am NOT normal.

Why does this have I do with my social life? Because I don't have a group.

I am like a tomato. Am I a fruit or a damn vegetable?!

Oh yeah, I asked out a girl. She said no. Well, actually, her boyfriend pushed me to the ground and threw a basketball at me before throwing my bag out side. Yeah, that damn bully.

I do have 2 bestfriends. One is named Mable. She is in The Geek group. She is very shy. One time, she asked me to stay around her during a dance just so she doesn't have to refuse guys who ask her to dance with them.

My other friend is named Ethan. I was playing outside (soccer) when I gapped to miss calculate and kick towards him. He is in The Jock group. He kicked it back and played with me.

When that damn boyfriend bully picked on me, after school, Ethan pushed him against the lockers and threaten the guy. After that, Ethan hanged around me more. I introduced him to Hentai and he was very happy. Weirdo...

I live with my older brother, Blake Mocks. He is always out with his friends. I am like the woman in our house. Our dad live with us but he usually come home at like.. 2 am and go to work at 3 am. He is an artist.

My mom died, giving birth to me. Sad, but that was the past. So for my birthday, we got to the party and then got to the cemetery right after.

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