--1--How it All Started--

Start from the beginning

"I don't have a DVD player but the Xbox usually works fine," he said, walking over to where I was sitting, "You know you can actually relax if you want."

"Sorry," I laughed nervously, scooting in farther toward the wall and tucking my legs underneath me.

"Don't apologize," he grinned, causing my heart to beat faster in my chest and my hands to shake as he sat down next to me, nearly touching my leg with his.

"I'll try not to," I laughed.

"I'm just kidding," he laughed, "Loosen up a little, you're fine."

"I'm trying," I sighed.

"Want a blanket?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied as he pulled a blanket up from the end of the bed and handed it to me, "Thanks," I said, pulling it onto my lap and over my cold feet.

We started out with our legs barely touching but as the movie went on, he gradually got closer and closer to me, and I was okay with that. Before I knew it, we were all but leaning on each other and my eyelids started to get heavy.


When I woke up on Saturday morning I was in a complete state of confusion and I immediately began to freak out. I woke up in a someone else's house, in someone else's bed, with someone's arm wrapped around me.

Liam Simpson.

Liam freaking Simpson was sleeping next to me and his arm was wrapped around my torso, which meant that he was extremely close, so close that his chest was touching my back and I was freaking out.

When I rolled over, I found that he was already somewhat awake and looking at his phone.

"Hey," he said, "You fell asleep last night and I didn't want to wake you up so I kind of just rolled with it."

"Okay," I said, staring up at the ceiling.

"Wait are you okay?" he asked, putting his phone down.

"Nope," I replied.

"It's fine, nothing really happened last night, it's not like you woke up naked or something," he laughed, "You fell asleep and I really didn't want to wake you up."

"Yeah, I know," I sighed, sitting up and rubbing my eyes, "It's just, I, I don't do these things, I don't leave parties with boys I barely know and I don't even go to parties that aren't with my team usually but I just wanted to have fun and I ended up here and I end up staying the night and I don't usually do this stuff and-"

"If I would've known I would have woken you up and taken you back to your place," he said, sitting up next to me, his tone changing and voice quieting, an almost concerned look in his eyes.

"You didn't do anything wrong, I'm just dumb," I sighed.

"This doesn't need to be a big deal," he said, "And if you want, nobody needs to know."

"I think four people already do," I laughed halfheartedly.

"I doubt any of them are awake," he laughed.

"Whatever," I sighed, "I need to go Liam, Nikki's probably freaking out and my phone's dead and I need to go back home."

"I'll at least walk you back!" he said as I got up and walked to the door to the hallway.

"I'm fine, really," I said, walking down the hallway to the front door.

"I guess I'll see you around then," he said, stopping me at the front door.

"Yeah," I replied, "Bye Liam."

"Bye Olivia," he said, only after planting a kiss right square on my lips.

I managed to keep my cool as I turned around and walked out the door. Luckily, it was rather warm out and I didn't look too out of place walking around in my jeans shorts and crop top. I was slightly worried that I'd look like I was doing the walk of shame, but I didn't think there were enough people out and about yet to notice in the first place.

What the actual hell just happened.

"Holy shit, there you are!" Nikki exclaimed as I walked back into our apartment, "I was worrying because you weren't answering your phone and I hadn't seen you since the party!"

"I'm sorry Nikki, my phone died and I didn't realize it and I shouldn't have left and-" I began to say, stumbling over my words.

"Who'd you go home with?" she asked, "seriously because I swear I saw Liam Simpson with you," she said with a smirk, causing me to wince, "No you didn't! You totally did!"

"Nothing happened," I said, "We went to the student center and sat at the bonfire then we started talking about movies and we went back to his place and watched a movie and I fell asleep. I woke up this morning, freaked out, then came home, nothing happened."

"No way!" she exclaimed, "Lila Coleman is going to kill you!"

"He says they broke up," I replied.

"That's awesome but it's not awesome because he's into you," she replied, "Just kidding, I'm just a little jealous."

"No kidding," I laughed, "I don't know Nikki, I think he's bad news. I don't believe it that he and Lila broke up."

"Let's check Twitter," she said, grabbing her phone from her desk, "Ooh looks like she's be retweeting inspirational post break up quotes and shit about moving on."

"No shit," I said, grabbing the phone from her.

"Let's check Insta just to be safe," she said, taking her phone back and switching apps, "Oh shit, he deleted all the pictures he had of her!"

"Damn it he might actually be telling the truth," I remarked.

"I think he is," she said.

"Holy shit Nikki!" I exclaimed, "I might actually have a chance."

"I think you have more than a chance," she smirked, "Want to go down to breakfast to see if he's there?"

"Hell yes," I replied.


Much to my dismay, Liam was not at breakfast when we were, so we ate disappointedly while we watched for him to come in.

"I think I see him walking over there!" Nikki exclaimed as we walked back to our apartment.

"Play it cool!" I hissed, elbowing her in the gut.

"Hey Olivia," Liam said as we passed him and one of his teammates a few feet later.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Long time no see," he grinned, flashing me a wink.

"I guess so," I replied.

"You going to the game tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah, are you?" I asked.

"I am," he said, "See you tonight."

"See you tonight," I smiled as we parted ways.



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