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I walked through the doors of my school and couldn't be more in happy. I hate school. I can't stand the people thinking they're better, prettier or more popular. In the end all of that doesn't matter. But now it does, so might as well do my best to get along. I'm a sophomore but, I'm in a bunch of Junior/Senior classes. I walk into my calc. class and sat at the back in the right corner. All of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I see someone sit down next to me. I glance over and it Matt. He's a really popular Junior who is actually really smart contrary to everyone's first impression of him. He's also really cute and in most, if not all, of my classes. He sat down not acknowledging me and I got nervous. I really do like him but I hate this class. I honestly don't know how I'm in it. I'm basically failing cause I don't know what's going on half the time, but I was recommended for it so here I am. After class the teacher called me up when everyone left, "Emily I was wondering if you maybe wanted me to set you up with a tutor? So you don't fall behind." I nod, "Yeah I would love that." She smiles at me, "Great-" she pauses waving someone into the room; it was Matt. What's he doing here? "Matt will be your tutor." He smiled down at me, "Do you wanna try working on someone of this tonight at my place?" He asked me and it took me a second to respond, "Yeah I would love that. Thank you." He smiles down at me, "Great but, do you mind staying after for a little bit? I have a ten minute detention for being late to my class." I nod, "That's fine." Oh my god I'm going over to his house.

324 words

Obviously I'm running out of names cause I'm using my name. Do y'all like this instead? I just felt like the other wasn't my kind of taste in writing sorry if you liked it.

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