Part 1

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"Adam, honey! It's time for breakfast!" He heard his mother yell from the kitchen. "Coming mom!" He yelled back in reply. He looked went to the kitchen, only to find himself at school, people around him chanted things like freak, and monster. He backed up into the wall, he heard himself scream. The hoard of people was coming at him. He closed his eyes. But when he opened them he was back on the streets of New York. He panted into the cold, crisp, morning air. Small children with backpacks and lunch boxes made their way to school. Cars sped by him. He thought about the dream. None of this would have happened if you hadn't been so stupid. He thought to himself. If you had just shut your mouth, you wouldn't be in this mess. His eyes stung with tears as he continued walking. He would have to stop at some point. He couldn't walk forever. He had nowhere to go. No one who wanted him anymore. Even his own mother didn't want him after he told people. He tried to block the moment from his mind but failed. His mothers eyes as she said that he should just leave. That people like him were not welcome in this house. Adam shook his head as if that would shake out the memories. He needed food. Inside his leather bag was 20 dollars. But that wouldn't last long. He looked up and saw a small shop that sold food. He walked across the street, and into the shop. He bought a breakfast sandwich and a coffee. Soon, day turned to night, and people started to leave the darkening streets.
He found himself back in the same position. Walking. A small girl who looked about 7 pointed at him from across the street. The girls mom grabbed her hand and moved her quickly away. His footsteps echoed in the alleyways. His breath filled the air in desperate puffs. His mind called out for help. Wanting anyone. Anything. To just tell him that he was wanted. That he wasn't useless. That he was worth it. But all he had was the streets. Adams mind wandered. His thoughts jumped from his mother to his school to his friends and to the face of Ema. Her long brown curly hair, her freckled face, her dimpled smile. He stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes burnt with tears. I'm a monster.

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