@Jo_OurGEN: Look who I got to meet today, My ginger king @edsheeran ;)

“Well I have to head off but Girls keep up the amazing work and we will keep in touch ok” Ed said giving us girls a hug. “Definitely” I smiled as he left. We headed back to our rooms so we could pack. Seriously no one in the world should ever let me pack because I am so messy its not even funny. Katie eventually came to help me but instead she just did it herself. Once we finished I pulled out my phone to check my twitter,

@edsheeran: Cute photo @Jo_OurGEN but next time we meet we will be talking about tour plans

@Jo_OurGEN: @edsheeran tour plans? Are you kidding or?

@edsheeran: Yep @Jo_OurGEN Talk about it soon :)

Did that Just happen.... or am I dreaming. I ran into Aysha’s room and showed her what has just happened. “Tour... With Ed SHeeran... Jo don’t mess with me” She yelled as Katie entered. “What?” Katie questioned grabbing her suitcase. “Ed said that he was going to contact us about a tour” I smiled as I passed her my phone. “NO WAY. NO WAY OK IM DONE” She said as she walked out of the room like a real sass queen. “I can’t even omg I need to tell the boys this is amazing” I screamed as I ran out of our room and over to the boys. “GUYS GUYS GUYS WE MAY BE GOING ON TOUR WITH ED SHEERAN” I screamed as loud as I could. “NO WAY OMG SO YOU GUYS GOT ED AND WE GOT ONE DIRECTION” Calum said running into the room. “WAIT WHAT ONE DIRECTION” I was shocked I couldn’t say a word. “Yeah we have no idea how it happened, Ashton got a call from our manager who said that we where asked to go on tour with 1D” Luke said as he came to give me a hug. “But congratulations on Ed babe” He kissed me on my head as I was still amazed that they got 1D. “Thanks boo” I giggled. “Oh so my new name is Boo huh?” He laughed. “Sure is. unless you want poo thats cool with me” I giggled. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. “LUKEY PUT ME DOWN” I laughed as he was tickling my legs. I tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong for me. We soon got to the pier. “No LUKE DONT YOU DARE” I yelled as he was standing at the edge of the pier. “1,2,3” He shouted. “LUKE HEMMINGS” I screamed as he threw me off the pier. You know I think it would have been smart to tell luke that I’m not a very strong swimmer. I managed to get my head above water but the freezing water felt like people where stabbing me. My head went under a few times. “Luke... HELP” I mumbled as I swallowed a bit of water and sank below the water line. I tried to swim up but I couldn’t. I looked to the light and saw a body dive into the water. Luke swam down and pulled my up by my waist. He brought me up to the surface so i could catch my breath. “Jo, Jo are you ok, I’m so sorry” Luke apologized as he wrapped my legs around him so he could keep me afloat. “Its ok” I coughed. “Let’s get you out of here” I slowly let go of him and started to float. “Now just kick your legs and move your arms like this” Luke said showing me how to do it properly. We managed to swim all the way to shore. Surprisingly the pier was pretty short, only a few meters. But man that water was deep. “Jo I am honestly so sorry, I never meant to scare you or put you in danger and I did just that, Im horrible. I’m sorry” Luke said carrying me back to our room. “Dude relax, even though I couldn’t swim, you where right there to save me anyway”  I smiled. I managed to take Luke’s mind off it so he wouldn’t feel bad. Once we reached my room I saw Katie and Aysha packing the car. “This is it I guess. You get dried off then you’re gone” Luke frowned passing me a towel. “Hey I’m not gone forever” I said taking his hand and pulling him closer to me. “It will feel like forever” Luke whispered as he placed a kiss on my neck. “I know, but all you need to know is that I care about you and I will always be thinking about you” I reassured him pulling him into a hug. “You are always on my mind” He whispered as he continued kissing my neck. “I love you” He whispered in my ear. Even the word Love sent shivers up my spine. “I ... Love you too” I breathed as he pulled back and placed his lips on mine. “Jo time to go” Aysha said getting into the car. “Before you go I just want to give you a few things” Luke said getting a bag out of the room. He must have left it there this morning. “I want you to have these” he said handing the bag over to me. Inside was his penguin onzie, His favorite smiley face t-shirt, his beanie, a guitar pick, a note book and a small little box. “Luke this is your favorite onzie! I don’t know what to say” I said opening the small box. Inside was a small love heart necklace. “I thought you would like it” He smiled as he pulled it out of the box. I looked closer at it and it had writing on it “Never Forget” I whispered. “Yes, never forget this moment, or me” He said as he put it around my neck. Tears started to form as Aysha started tooting the horn of the car. “I’m going to miss you” I said as Luke pulled me in for one last hug. “I will see you soon” He said lifting me up. He walked me to the car with the bag of stuff and closed the door behind me. “Luke seriously if you keep carrying her around she’s never gonna want to walk again” Aysha laughed. We all laughed before I gave him one final kiss through the window. When we broke apart aysha started driving away. I opened the sunroof and climbed half way out. “BYE POO” I shouted. I saw him laugh as he flipped me off. “BYE BABE” He waved. Im going to miss him so much. “So Jo what is this?” Katie said as I emerged back into the car. “I don’t know a note book” I suggested. I grabbed the book from her and opened it. It was full of Lyrics and notes about how luke feels and all these little jokes. I flipped to the back page and it had a little note

‘ Dear Jo, Yeah I know this book is a little cheesy but hear me out. This is one of my song books, where I write everything that goes through my head at once. I still have space in here for your side of things. Think of this as a way of therapy.’ 

That part made me laugh.

‘ Anyway Just wanted to let you know that you are amazing and even though I have only known you for 4 days it has felt like a life time. Love you and I will see you soon. Your poo, Luke x’ 

I loved this book. I had a look thought some of the pages and there was a bit about me. There was a page at the front which had Luke’s Phone number, address, email, skype name and snap chat. These will definitely come in handy. “GUYS” Katie squealed as she turned up the radio. “Hello everyone so who hasn’t been to band world, well the amazing festival ended today and there where some epic performances might i just say. And one in particular that was brilliant was a band called Our Generation. Consists of 3 girls, Jo, Aysha and Katie and they kick ass according to Mr Ed Sheeran. So here is there song ‘Sex Games’ which can be purchased now on Itunes” The radio host said. I took one look at the girls as we started screaming all the way home. 


@Luke5SOS: @Jo_OurGEN I hope by that you mean me :) <3

@Calum5SOS: Um @Luke5SOS no..... I think @Jo_OurGEN was referring to @Ashton5SOS, @Michael5SOS and Me

@Luke5SOS: you sir are an asshole :)

@Jo_OurGEN: @Calum5SOS and @Luke5SOS you are both wrong.... I actually meant @EdSheeran :P

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