How You Met

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You're best friend was forcing you to go to a concert with her. You had no idea who this boy band was and you didn't even research them as you had no interest. "Come on Y/N" your best friend complained "if you don't hurry we'll get the worst seats!". You sighed and finished your make up. As much as you didn't want to go, you still wanted to look good. After fixing your hair you and your best friend headed to the bus. Once you got to the hotel they where playing at you waited in line. "Are you excited?" Your best friend asked. "So excited!" You said sarcastically. Once you got to your front row seats you sat there and unlocked your phone. Everyone started screaming so you looked up, only to see six lads standing on stage. One certain member caught your eye. "Who's that?" You asked referring to the lad with black whiffed hair. "That's Dayl!" Your best friend squealed. Dayl and you kept making eye contact the whole night. You had a feeling this wasn't the last hometown concert you'd go to.

You are attending your little sisters school play. As much as you hate sitting watching little kids try to act, you have a fake smile plastered on your face. You stand near the door before the play starts to get some air. The door opens and you get squished between the door and the wall. The door shuts again and you see a tall male who looks around your age. "I'm sorry about that" he chuckled awkwardly "didn't see you there". You smile at his awkwardness and say "It's ok, I'm Y/N". "I'm Cian" he smiles and stand next to you. You two spend the whole night talking and getting to know each other. At the end of the night Cian gives you a hug and then puts something in your hand. "Text me later?" He says before walking away. You couldn't help but smile for the rest of the night.

You where waiting in the movies with your popcorn and Coke. You looked at your phone and didn't see any text from your friend. You've been stood up, again. You frown with out realising and sit there alone. "Is this seat taken?" You look up and saw a guy with blonde hair standing there in a marvel t-shirt. "No go ahead" I said and he smiles at you. "You come here alone?" He asked. "Well my friend ditched me again" I said and he frowns. "That sucks" he said and you nod. "I'm Josh" he said smiling. "I'm Y/N" you say smiling. You watch the movie together and make jokes about some of the actors. After the movie you two exchange numbers. You and Josh stay in contact and make 'Movie Friday' your new thing.

You had just paid for your coffee from your favourite coffee shop, Costa. You turned around and some stranger bumps into you. You feel the coffee burning through your top. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry" the guy with the long black hair says. He grabs a few napkins and hands them to you. "Its fine" you smile. "I'll buy you a new one" he says. "You don't have to its fine" you say but he insists. "I'm so clumsy" he chuckles and you smile. He buys you a coffee and you two sit down together. "I'm Brendan" he says. "I'm Y/N" you say. "I have to get going but I was wondering if maybe you'd like to meet up for a coffee tomorrow or something" he asks nervously. "As long as you promise not to spill some on me again" you chuckle and he smiles. You exchange numbers and he walks away. You finish your coffee thinking about what you're going to wear tomorrow.

As you where walking around the music shop you're bag gets stuck in one of the shelves and you knock down the CDs. You go red with embarrassment and go to pick them up. You see another hand picking up some of the CDs. You look up and see a guy with brown curly hair and the dreamiest green eyes. I didn't realise I was starring until he spoke. "Are you ok?" He asked and I blushed. "Y-yeah um yeah" I said and he smiled. Once we had all the CDs picked up we stood up and he smiled at me. "I'm Ryan by the way" he said holding his hand out. "I'm Y/N thanks for helping me clean that up, I'm kind of clumsy" you said awkwardly while shaking Ryan's hand. "Would you like to go for a coffee?" He asked with the most gorgeous smile ever on his face. "Of course!" You beamed.

You where at a friends birthday 19th birthday party. You weren't one to drink so you sat on the couch with your Coke watching people get wasted. You felt very awkward and found it hard to start talking to people as most of them where drunk. You decided to go upstairs to your friends bedroom to try and get away from all the mayhem. As you walked up the stairs up bumped into a guy. "Oh sorry" you said and he smiled. "It's ok" he said. You figured he wasn't completely wasted and you where relieved. "It's crazy down there" he chuckled. "Yeah especially when you don't drink" you said. "I don't drink either" he said and you smiled. You guys went and sat in your friends bedroom and spent the night talking to each other. When the party was over Dean hugged you and gave you his number. "Call me and we can hang out sometime" Dean said as he put on his jacket.

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