question 20

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20 The most vivid memory of self harm.

I was 11 So 2 years ago. I had been bullied for a long time. I had cut before, and I told a person who kinda told everyone. ( at the time I thought she was my best friend until she found out about it). Well the the bullying got worse I was told to kill myself.....I actually tried once (over dose) my best friend found me after she broke my window. (I'll put my attempt story and the end of the 30 questions). Well I cut my ribs. and went too deep. My neighbor ended up finding me when he came to get my little brother to hang out. Luckily my neighbor that found me was my age, and it was only me home so he called the ambulance. I was in the hospital for a week. When I come back to school everyone knew, they all kept bullying me. but I ended up moving 2 months after my incident.

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