Ianthony 7 - Why did you hear it?

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Let's place this into June 2013. you'll have know that Ian and Anthony took a trip to Hawaii before posting onto youtube and that Ian discovered before anyone else  that Anthony grinds his teeth in his sleep there. 

Disclaimer: Don't own them. 

Moonlight was shining into the dark room, sending stripes of silver onto the dark hard wood floors. Kalel adjusted the pillow behind her head. She closed her eyes slowly, ready to say hello to the sand man, when a soft noise occurred. She frowned and listened into the quiet house. Silence. Down her eyelids went. Then back up. There it was again, the little noise. 

She looked to the side at Anthony, who was lying in deep sleep, so close to her that she could feel his breath on her face. It was him, the noise was coming from. What was it? She listened a while longer and then had to smile. She got up on her elbows and looked over his sleeping frame at the nightstand. True enough, the mouth guard was still in the see through case. So this is what his teeth grinding sounded like. It was the first time she heard it. It wasn't all that bad!

She laid back down into her pillow and closed her eyes, finally making her date with sleep.  

The next morning, Anthony was being a good boy about the soy milk, he seemed to have given up on coercing her into keeping both real and soy. 

"So, I finally heard you grind your teeth last night," she said, smiling at him across the table. 

"I'm sorry...I forgot to put in my retainer."

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep."

"I didn't mean to keep you awake. You should've just woken me up! I'm sorry."

"That would hardly keep me awake," she laughed, "it's not loud at all!"

"I thought it was really loud," he said, his eyes huge question marks. 

"No, it's really soft. In fact, I'm not even sure you need to wear that thing. I can't believe that's doing damage to your teeth."

Anthony smiled at her, his spoon midway between bowl and mouth. 

"We could kiss without that thing in the way," she said, smiling back.  

Suddenly Anthony was standing. The spoon was in the bowl. 

"How close were you?" he asked.

"As close as always."

"I gotta go," he said.

He ran a hand over the back of his neck, "Gotta go do something," he was already turning.

Within a minute, she heard the door fall into the lock and frowned, bending over her breakfast.

The price for the ticket to Sacramento was ludicrous, but that is what last minute does for you. He could have just called, but it was no matter to discuss over the phone. He could have taken the car, but he had no patience for a six hour drive. Hell, he had no patience now, he was drumming his fingers on the counter as the airport lady was running his card through the machine.   

Ian's new home was bright in the sun shine. It was so hot outside, he was surprised there wasn't steam coming off the tiled roof. He rang the door bell with a shaking hand. It was Ian who answered, and he was happy for that.

"You heard it," he said immediately into his surprised face. 

"Heard what?" Ian put his head back and smiled at him, worry lines appearing between his brows.  "My teeth," he said. 

"Come in," Ian said, stepping aside and ushering him into air conditioning.   

That's it, Ian thought, as he put two glasses down on the table, everything you do will always come and bite you in the ass later, he had known it then and he knew it even more now. That's why he was always so careful. Always so private. The glasses met the table with an angry thud. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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