Red looks good on you

Start from the beginning

"Have a seat," He gestures. I hand him the detention slip as I relax in his plush office chairs.

"What was it this time?" He takes the cap off his pen.

"I was late and Mr. Greenly grilled me about it. Plus my shirt is ripped," I gesture to the obvious gash in my clothing.

"I see," His eyebrows furrow as he places the cap back on his pen.

"Could you explain to me what you told him?" He looks back up at me, hands folded on the desk.

I roll my eyes, letting out an internal groan. My eyes catch sight of Fieti's eyebrow raising, awaiting my answer.

"I told him I was late, so while I was running to school I fell in a thorn bush. I didn't have time to go back and change so I dusted myself off and continued to the school," My voice comes out pretty monotoned.

"Ms. Parker, where exactly do you live? This town's not that big, you could've been here in time," His voice is smooth, like he's trying to coax a bomb.

"I don't see how that's relevant. If I wake up near the end of first block there's no way I can make it for the start of it, now can I?" I snap. "John, can I call you that, John? I feel like I know you pretty well. I wasn't out doing drugs, I wasn't sleeping off a hangover, I wasn't starting a fight or anything. I simply overslept. I don't get rides to school, so I had no choice but to run. In my rush to get here I didn't pay attention to tying my shoes. I fell in a thorn bush and ripped my shirt as well as adding minor scratches to my skin. Yet, I still had the sense of urgency to come to school," I shrug.

Fieti looked at me long and hard before leaning back in his seat, raising his eyebrows and looking down at the detention sheet.

"Strangely enough I believe you," He sighs. "But disciplinary actions for being tardy and sassy," He pauses to look at me, "will have to be taken. I'll let the shirt slide just this once, however, this is a school full of teenage boys. Could you please find a gym shirt or something?" He begins writing on the paper, checking boxes, filing out blanks.

I stand up to leave and grab the paper from his grasp, "Thanks Fieti."

"Please, call me John," He smiles before letting go of the paper. A shiver goes up my spine as I quickly turn to the door.

"Oh and Ms. Parker?" His voice speaks up, the cool metal door knob under my fingertips.

"Red is a nice color on you," The chill of his words make me wanna hurl as I throw open his office door. I storm out of the main office, slamming all doors. Once in the hallway, I look down at my torn black tee shirt to see the edge of my bright red bra poking out.

"Fucking perv," I growl. "This is all Charlie's fault," I mutter.

Letting out a strangled scream, I throw my books across the hall, kicking my second period text book for emphasis. My fists curl and uncurl themselves as my lungs heave for air.

"Fucking prick!" I grunt, sitting down against the wall and tucking my head in my lap.

A few silent moments pass before the loud, obnoxious bell goes off and students file out of classrooms , pushing and shoving. Casually I stand back up, dusting myself off. My eyes watch as a dozen set of feet trample my books. Shrugging, I turn down the hall, nearly colliding into a tall sturdy frame.

"Eliza," His deep voice is shocked as he grabs my upper arms.

My eyes slowly travel up to meet his darkened green eyes. A scowl soon crosses my features.

"What the hell do you want?" I snap, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Are you okay?" His voice is soft.

"What does it matter?" I huff.

"It matters to me," He replies, his thumbs rubbing gently back and forth on my arms.

"Don't give me that shit, leave me alone," I throw my arms out, pulling them from his grasp.

"What's going on with you?" He stars at me bewildered.

"This is all your fault! Being late, being made a fool in class, getting a detention, getting harassed! It's all your fault!" I shout hysterically.

"I don't understand," his eyes bore into mine in attempt to read me.

"You kiss me last night, then push me away and lock yourself up, what is that supposed to mean?" My fists curl up as I feel my eyes begin to water.

"That's what this is about?" His eyes soften. My arms fall slack as I nod childishly.

"Eliza-" he stops, his eyes searching mine. "I don't want to move too fast."

My mind goes blank. What did he say? Suddenly I'm overly aware of my heart beat.

"Wha- what do you mean?" I fumble for words.

"I lo-Ike, I like you. A lot. More than a friend. I didn't want- I want-. Why can't I find the words?" He chuckles nervously and I can feel my chest swelling. "Ah, yeah uhm, I like you." He scratches the back of his neck. "Do you want to go on a date, sometime, maybe?" His cheeks fill with a shade of light pink. As if he couldn't get any cuter. However my face begins to heat up but I try to play it off.

"Uh yeah sure," I nod, fidgeting with the sleeve of my t-shirt.

"Alright cool," he nods rocking on the soles of his feet.

"Yeah," I nod, my face so hot it should start blistering any minute now.

"So I'll catch you later," he finally looks me in the eyes.

"Yeah, yeah totally," we exchange smiles before awkwardly heading to our next class.

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