With this new information, who knows what she’s going to do with it. “You yelled it loud enough for the whole world to hear! You’re so stupid, if you didn’t want anybody to know you should have lowered your voice.” She exaggerated. Damn it, I thought in my head. I looked around to see only a few people in the hallways. They were to fair away to hear. Hopefully she won’t tell anyone.

“Please! Let me tell everyone myself! Please!” I begged her. “And why should I do that?” She asked. “I don’t know, but I’ll do anything! Please!” I continued. “Hmmm!” She thought. “I have a proposal.” She stated. “Okay!” I replied. “Stay away from Daniel and I’ll keep your little secret.” She whispered in my ear. I took a deep breath and thought about it for a while. He’ll understand, won’t he? I contemplated with myself. “Okay.” I finally stated after a while of thinking.

“Good!” She cheered as she walked away. I sighed and began to walk to class. This is not what was supposed to happen. I thought to myself.

After School

Today has been horrible. I tried to go explain to Daniel why I would be avoiding him from now on, but everywhere he was, Kelsey was. He’s going to hate me, for no reason. As soon as I got home I went to my room and slammed my door shut and grabbed my phone. I started to text Daniel and explain what was going on, but before I could finish my message and hit the send button, he walked in.

“Don’t slam my damn doors little girl! You don’t pay the bills around here.” He yelled. I wasn’t really listening though because I was trying to text Daniel. “Who the hell are you texting? You better listen to me when I’m talking to you!” He snatched away my phone. “Daniel?” He questioned. “So you’ve got yourself a new man now? Well say goodbye to him.” He snapped my phone in half.

My eyes bulged out of my head at the sight. “That’s right!” Marcus began. “Now like I was saying, you aint running anything around here, so you better behave yourself. Here’s your phone back.” He handed me the two pieces and walked out of my room. I sat there and starred at my phone. What the hell is his problem? I thought.

I would have used the house phone to call him but I never memorized his number, or any of my other friends'. I would drive to his house, but ever since Marcus found out that I was pregnant, he doesn’t let me leave the house unless he says I can. He says that he doesn’t want anything to happen to his baby. Like he cares at all.

The Next Day At School: Lunch Time

I grabbed my lunch tray and began to walk to the usual table. But as I was on my way over there, Kelsey was walking over there and sat in my seat. She looked up at me and gave me this evil smirk. I was utterly confused until I got to the table. “Hey guys!” I smiled. No one said one word to me, they just looked at me and shook their heads.

“What’s going on?” I asked. “Don’t try to play dumb.” Chad said. “What?” I asked again. “Since you want to play like you don’t know what’s going on, let me explain.” Natalie began. “Don’t go around running your mouth about us because we have connections and we’ll find out.” She said. “But not so much about us, what you did to Daniel was very low. Talking about I never really liked him, I was just trying to get into his pants but he wasn’t putting out so I had to move on. How could you even say that?” Destiny asked me.

“That’s probably why she’s pregnant now!” Kelsey added her fifty cents. Everyone except for Daniel and Kelsey gasped and looked at me with bulging eyes. I dropped my tray and ran out of the cafeteria crying. She said she would keep my secret if I did that favor for her, is all that was running through my head. I sat in the bathroom stall and cried my eyes out. I cried so hard that I blacked out.

3 Hours Later

I woke up having the worst headache I’ve ever had. The room felt like it was spinning as I became nauseous. I went over to the toilet and threw up. After I was finished I washed my hands and rinsed out my mouth. I looked at the time on the clock in the bathroom and the last period of the day was almost over. I decided to just go home for the rest of the day. I drove back to the house and saw Marcus’s car in the driveway. If he saw me home early, he’d beat me and the baby to death. I decided to go to the McDonald’s around the corner from my house.

When I got there, I ordered a large Sprite and some fries. I sat at a booth and watched the kids in the Play House playing. I smiled at them because I knew that I would be one of the parents sitting in there watching my child play in a few years.

Suddenly, I heard his voice. It seemed like we felt each other’s presence because he looked up at me. As soon as he met my gaze, he looked away and shook his head. I sighed because I didn’t do any of the things that were said. And I knew exactly who was behind all of this, Kelsey.

It all made sense now, why she hated me. She wanted Daniel and she knew that we would one day end up together. She tried to get me out of the picture before our relationship went any further, she won. I was snapped out of my trance by Daniel. My mood instantly lightened up because he was giving me a chance to explain something that should never have happened, or at least that’s what I thought.

“Hey Dan-“ I began. “Why did you say it?” He asked me. My mood swung back to gloomy and depressed in a matter of seconds. “I didn’t-“ He cut me off again saying, “Save it. I don’t have time for your lies. I don’t know why I came over here anyway. Loose my number.” He stated before walking away.

I could feel someone burning holes into the back of my head, I turned to see. And sure enough, it was Kelsey, glaring at me. I guess she thought that he gave me a chance, but once she saw the look on my face she noticed that nothing changed since Lunch time.

I sunk down in my seat and tried to think of a way to explain this without Kelsey telling the whole school about me being impregnated, but I came up with nothing. I got up and threw away my trash. The only way out of the restaurant was to pass by their table. I sure as hell didn’t want to but I had to in order to get home on time so Marcus wouldn’t rip my head off.

“I don’t even believe what she said about being raped by her step father now. She probably has been hoeing around since we met her this past summer. Any n**** on the street could be her baby daddy.” Daniel stated coldly. I looked at him and scoffed before running out of there. Laughter seemed to be following m e as I left so I turned to see if they were following me, but they weren’t. I was just paranoid. I sat in my car and cried as I started my car and went home.

5 ½ Months Later

I’ve never been more depressed. Life sucks for me right now. Well, my social life does. Marcus eventually got me a new phone, but I only have two numbers in it, the house phone number and my mom’s number. I’ve kept my grades up because I don’t want to end up like my mother. No offense to her, but I don’t want to have to depend on a man to take care of me. I want to get my own money and support myself.

I’ve become the hoe of the school. Everyone believes Kelsey’s lie. Yes, she told everyone in the school the lie she told my friends about a week after they stopped talking to me. At that point, I didn’t really care. I just needed to keep my head in the books.

It’s nearing time for me to give birth to my baby girl. I’ve decided to name her Brianna Naomi Jones. Brianna means “strong” and Naomi means “beautiful”. I want my daughter to be a strong, independent woman. But I also want her to know that she’s beautiful, no matter what. I chose for her to keep my last name because she will not be named after him. I’m trying to get past all of the negativity in my life because I don’t want my daughter to have to go through the things that I’m going through. I want her to have a happy child hood.

A/N: Okay, so I know I skipped a lot of time in this chapter but I’m trying to keep the story progressing and moving forward. Bear with me as I try and get to the good stuff. Lol, but please comment, vote, and tell people about my story! It means a lot to meh! Oh, and a picture of Daniel is on the side. No, it was not intentional to make Daniel Diggy...they just coincidently have the same name! :P

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