Chapter 18: Everything Will Be Fine

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                                                                             Dipper's P.O.V

I woke up at around 2:30 A.M. The sun wasn't shining yet. But, why was I up? It didn't seem to matter. I turned my head and saw Peyton tossing and turning in her sleeping bag, talking in her sleep. 

"N-No . . . Please . . . ! What do you want? N-No! Stay back!" Peyton cried.

I raised an eyebrow. 'What is going on in that girl's head?' I wondered. 

She looked like she was in the middle of a very bad nightmare. Her breathing was heavy, and she looked very scared.  When I assumed the nightmare was getting worse, I got out of bed and put my hands on her shoulders. I started to shake her, slowly at first. 

"Peyton, wake up!" I said. She didn't wake up. So, I shook her again, this time harder. "Peyton!" I shouted. "Peyton, wake up!" 

Peyton opened her eyes, and sat up. "D-Dipper . . . " 

She immediately started crying. She pulled me into a hug, crying over my shoulder. "Freddy . . . ! He was there!" 

I hugged her back, and tried to comfort her. "It's over now. Don't worry. It was just a bad dream,"

"N-No. It was more than just a bad dream! It was a nightmare!" 

I ended the hug, and gave her a smile. "Come on. You can sleep in my bed with me tonight."

She whipped the tears from her eyes. "Okay,"

We got on my bad and layed down. I put my arm around Peyton. I blushed bright red when she leaned her head on my shoulder. 

She took a deep breath and relaxed. Then she closed her eyes. Then, she was fast asleep. When I knew for sure Peyton was asleep, I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. 

Then, I fell asleep, too. 

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