Dinner and a Bear

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As Sam reached the bottom of the stairs he saw everyone else sitting down looking at him.

"Come on Sam, take a seat. We need to say grace" his grandma told him.

Sam sat beside Amy and was opposite his grandpa, as grandma Louise said grace Amy looked at her plate. There was some kind of meat but she couldn't make out what it was, next to the meat were some peas as well as some mash. Grandma Louise finished grace and her and grandpa Joey tucked in. As Amy analysed her food, Sam had something else on his mind.

"Do eat Sam, it's going to get cold" his grandma whispered, Sam stabbed his fork into the red and quite slimy meat. 

 "I saw something strange in those big woods earlier today" Sam looked across the table looking for a response. Amy paid no attention and grandma Louise gave him a quick glance and continued eating. Grandpa Joey however stopped eating and put his cutlery down and looked Sam in the eye. 

"What'd you see kid?", he still had a bit of food in his big white beard which was rather disgusting.

Sam was hesitant to answer but spoke up.

 "A man...a man in a black suit wearing a mask. A bear mask". Amy giggled a bit at the thought of that and continued eating while grandma was still quiet. Grandpa Joey gave Sam a sinister look and went back to eating.

Suddenly grandma Louise spoke up, her voice was louder than before. 

"Don't go into the woods children, there's all sorts of ferocious animals in there. We don't want to give you back to your parents in bits do we?" She gave a comedic laugh which made both the children very uncomfortable.

Everyone had finished eating and grandma told Amy to help with the washing up. Sam had just noticed that there was no TV in the room and asked where it was.

 "It's in the basement" his grandpa told him. 

"No! No! No one goes into the basement!" Grandma shouted dropping a plate in the process. Amy jumped also dropping a plate, there was then a awkward silence that filled the room. 

"Head upstairs children and get some shuteye, I need to talk to grandpa Joey". The children headed upstairs and started getting ready for bed.

It was around quarter past nine and neither Amy or Sam could sleep, Amy was reading her book while her brother was moving around restlessly. There was then a knock on the door, it was grandma telling them to turn off the lights and go to sleep. Amy put her book down and switched off the light beside her bed. Sam went over to the window and pressed his face against the cold glass. His eyes were moving all around trying to find this man in the woods. Suddenly he felt two hands grab him from behind, he jumped and let out a gasp.  He turned around to see Amy quietly giggling as she didn't want to wake her Grandparents. 

"You idiot!" Sam shouted, annoyed he pushed Amy aside and got back into bed. Amy who was still laughing crawled into her bed and after around ten minutes she fell asleep. Sam however couldn't.

It was now around ten to ten and Sam got up again. He walked over to the window and for the second time that night he pressed his face against the window. Out of nowhere something hit the window and in turn made Sam jump backwards. Amy was still fast asleep and he hoped he hadn't woken up his grandparents. He went back over to the window which now had a small crack in it and peered through. Then Sam saw it. In the darkness standing outside the house was the man in the suit. Although he couldn't make out the suit he could recognise the very distinct mask. He was shaking his head erratically as if he was some kind of ghost and began to walk towards the house.

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