She smiled but shook her head. "I didn't need any to begin with. But tell that to Jim. He's always looking to keep me fed and all."

"Someone's gotta keep you fed." Elvis stood up and dusted off his pants.

"I thought you liked your women skinny." Red cackled, falling silent when Elvis and Loretta both glared at him.

"Married, ain't he?" Loretta said.

Elvis lowered his head and refrained from responding in any way. They had better things to do. Lamar however, didn't seem to think so, "E watches you on TV now."

"So I can see her perform before I perform with her," Elvis forced out.

"Hmm hmm." Lamar turned toward Loretta. "We heard you sing about...the other woman."

Loretta covered her face with her hands at his words. "Oh my..."

"We all thought that was just about the worst thing you could sing now before the tour. We were just glad that Cilla didn't see it."

"I didn't even think of that," Loretta confessed. "That's a song I recorded a long time ago and Ted and Doyle are the ones picking what I sing usually."

"She's not like those folks that make a headline out of everything," Elvis cut in, receiving a thankful glance from Loretta in response. "Sometimes a song is just a song and nothing else. They'll talk about us either way."

"Let em," Loretta said.

"Colonel's not pleased," Red said, but fell silent when Elvis shot him a sharp glare.

"So Colonel is keeping taps on me?" Loretta asked.

"Guess so. He doesn't want Elvis running around now that he's married and got a family."

"That cocksucker can shut up," Elvis hissed, trying to hold the bite from his voice. "He doesn't own me, does he?"

"Are you still looking to split up with him?" Loretta asked.

"Oh yeah." He took her by the hand to lead her over to where they had previously rehearsed. "How Great Thou Art again?"

"Sure." Loretta turned to their bands. "Hit us a chord, boys."


Soon enough Elvis found himself pacing back and forth backstage at their Lexington venue. The nerves always got the best of him before the concerts, when he could hear the impatient crowd outside. He was hardly aware of his surroundings, of the many people flitting about. Elvis nearly jumped out of his skin when someones hand landed on his arm.

"Loretta," he breathed upon facing the woman. "Well, ain't you dressed to the nines."

"You look at yourself."

"You still get nervous every time too?" Elvis asked, because she looked to him as though she had it all together.

"Not like I used to, no. It used to be real bad."

"Still real bad for me."

"All that means is that you still care about giving everyone who came out here a good show. And you do every time."

Elvis chuckled. "You never saw me perform, did you?"

"What if I did?"

"Then I wanna ask you why you didn't come backstage to meet me?"

"Alright, I didn't," Loretta admitted. "Now let's get this show on the road."

Elvis gave her a crooked, nervous grin. "Let's get this show on the road," he repeated, joining their hands together as they got ready to step out onto the stage. It would only add fuel to the affair rumors.

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