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Shinra was NOT jealous! Nope. Not in the slightest.

He didn't care that Shizuo had been staring at Izaya for the past hour.


Didn't care at all!

Shinra took a break from his definitely not jealous thoughts to sneak a peek at the blond . Just as he had suspected, that Pervert's eyes were still glued to Shinra's boyfriend. But that didn't bother him... Not. Even. A. Little.

"Shinra... Are you alright over there?" Shizuo Questioned, finally taking his eyes off of Izaya.
"Yep... Couldn't be better." Izaya raised an eyebrow at the tone in Shinra's voice, but soon shrugged it off and returned his gaze to the e-mail displayed on his phone screen. And once Shizuo was sure that the underground Doctor wasn't looking, he turned and fixed his eyes back onto the raven haired informant in a way that he thought was completely unnoticeable; from behind a book cover. Sadly,  no one had told him that in his hurry to find something to help hide is gaze, that the blond had actually picked the book up upside down.

Shinra's chest constricted with something that (once again) was NOT jealousy. His eyes narrowed slightly as the blond bodyguard. Even if this was one of his best friends, this is not something that was ok.

A lightbulb went off in the young doctor's head as an idea came to him. He smirked as he gently put his arm around the small raven and kissed his pale, blushing cheek.

"What the hell, Shinra? Get off, I'm trying to get some work done." Izaya glared and pushed his lover to the side. Still Shinra smirked as he looked over at Shizuo, who's face was bright red as he tried to pretend like he had been focusing on his upside down copy of Moby Dick the whole time.

Mission accomplished. 

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