Chapter 3-Tramutized

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Lykanius POV- Isla is tramitized from yesterday after seeing her parents getting killed.She feels good for killing those wolfs for killing her parents.We Were in the lunch room then Isabella and Tori the Barbie's of school came and said " Isla looks like a boy with that hair cut".Everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us.

Isla said " Thanks for the compliment bitches"

Tori said " Wow you keep talking boy"

Isabella said " You are just jealous of us"

Isla said " Why do I have to be jealous of two fake bitches who fuck each others boyfriends and date them"

Isabella and Tori said in unison " We do not and you have fucked Lykanius before while your trying to talk"

Isla said " No I did not he is a good friend unlike you too Isabella Tori talks about behind your back"Isla took a sip of her milk."Tori Isabella talks behind your back that's the definition of fake"Isla takes another sip of milk." Lykanius and me are the definition of real friends who have back"

Isabella and Tori walked away and people was appalusing me.I asked people why and they said " No ever stood up to those two and they didn't let any one have the last word.Isla gave me a hug and I liked it but was I catching feelings for Isla but she has a mate so I can't.I stared at her and realized she had the most beautiful eyes and girl I have seen.

Isla POV- Lykanius was staring at me I started to get weirded out or else he likes me buthe is my friend so he doesn't .Isabella and Tori are really some bitches they think I fucked Lykanius but who does that.I transformed in my white wolf form and I haven't transformed in years me or Lykanius.We went to 5th hour and guess who was in my class the two bitches Isabella and Tori and they gave me a real nasty look so I flipped them off then Mrs.John saw me and I got a detention and then Lykanius flipped them off too and he got a detention. He and I walked to his house after school and he lived with his aunt who name was Kat.

Wolfs named Isla and LykaniusWhere stories live. Discover now