And pow! The cake was now gone. Or not gone, just on our faces.

Cara also rubbed the cake of her eyes and looked at me.

Now it was my turn to laugh.

"You know I still want to eat cake?" she asked.

"What?" I didn't understand a thing of what she just said. I mean, the cake is gone. But then she started to eat the cake of my face.

Oh. Now I get it.

She was so close to my face while she ate the cake of my face, I started to eat the cake from her face too. Which means that our tongues were touching a lot. And when the cake was gone from our faces, Kylie called. AGAIN!

"What!?" I answered just like the last time. 

"Calm down, I just wanted to say that things turned out to be... Different than I thought."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"I actually became friends with Taylor and Selena. Mostly Selena. So... Um... If you guys are having some problems with anything, it's okay, you really don't have to come for me."

I looked at Cara with a victory smile.

"What? Let me hear! Put on speaker!" Cara whispered.

"I'm sorry, what did you say Kylie?" I asked for Cara now when I have speaker on.

"I said, you don't have to come here if you're having problems. So you guys know." she articulated on the speaker.

"Oh, okay. Thanks, bye!" I hung up and looked at Cara.

"I am sorry to ruin or wonderful date, but I would just love to go look through the windows if Kylie and Selena is getting along too well on the restaurant." I suggested.

"I actually think that is a wonderful idea. And what better date is it if not spying on someone's sister?" Cara said nobly.

So we packed our stuff and put it in the car. Then we drove to the restaurant where the others ate. We parked a little further away than a normal person would usually do, just in case they would look outside and recognize our car.  Then we tiptoed to the closest window where we knew that we could get a glimpse of them.

The only light outside was the light from the windows of the restaurant, so it would be pretty hard to see us. Anyway, we were pressing our faces against the window, making it easy to see us. And then we saw them... 

Kylie was talking with Selena, and it looked like they had a pretty funny conversation, because Kylie laughed or blushed all the time! And Karlie and Taylor were just having a normal conversation. It was like they were in two bubbles. Taylor and Karlie in one of them, then Sleena and Kylie in the other one. 

I looked over at Cara, who looked like she had a nose of a pig when she pressed her face against the windows. 

"Cara..." I whispered as inaudible I could.


"What are we gonna do now?" I asked entertained.

"We can go home... Or...." 

"Or what?"

"Or, we can prank them." she said and smirked with an evil face.

"I like it. Go on."

"I thought that we could... We could lure Selena to go to the toilets, then we turn off the lights. But we will make sure she's not scared or anything. Then we'll text Kylie and say that she must go to the toilets, and we pretend that it's from Selena. And then..." Cara took a deep breath. "Then we will kiss them in the dark, but they will think that it is them who kisses each other."

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