Zeus Junior High

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Hmmm... Where should I start on this?

Kageyama Reiji brought me to a "school" called Zeus Junior High, or to precisely mention it, it wasn't a Junior High. Neither was it a school in the first place. It was a training ground. A brainwashing device. Anything else was normal.

"Afuro Terumi... I plan on making you the captain of this team. But first... Pick a code name. Something like a god," he requested. I thought for a minute. Captain of a team... It was a dream. A code name like a god... I ran my fingers through my golden hair, which was starting to grow long already. The hair was always perfect, just like... "Aphrodi, for Aphrodite. I'll take it," I flicked my hair. "Great, Aphrodi," Kageyama smirked. "Here, this will be your home for your next years in life."

The next day, I was introduced to my so-called "teammates". Most of them are around the same age as me, about 6-8 years old. I wondered if kids like us can actually go out and participate in soccer tournaments, but I kept quiet. "Boys, this is Aphrodi. He will be your captain," he introduced me. I flicked my golden hair and smiled. This is going to be awesome, I thought.

Again, I was wrong. This school... It is indeed a brainwashing device. Kageyama Reiji taught... no, brainwashed us about everything,  We had lessons that gave us the impression we were better than everyone. In fact, it changed all my values. We had very intense training and we always had a dose of ambrosia afterwards. Somehow, the ambrosia... After drinking it for so many times... It actually feels good. It recharges all the energy in my body, but yet... I felt like the ambrosia actually brainwashed me instead.

One day, when I was around 10 years old, we were having our usual Red Team vs White Team practice. "God Knows!" I shouted, flying up on my wings and kicks the ball. The ball flied towards the goal, and the goalkeeper, Poseidon, was too awe-struck to catch it. The ball seared the net and even broke it the net. "I...I did it?" I asked stunned, still not believing what I did. It seemt like I was in heaven. I didn't want this moment to end.  I snapped my fingers. "That was pure divinity..." I looked around. Everyone wasn't even moving. I looked at the clock. It has stopped. Time... Time has stopped on my will. I snapped my fingers again and everyone  started moving. "Aphrodi, why are you there?" One of my teammates, Hera, asked. "You were on the other side of a pitch just a second ago... Aah!" Before he could finish, a whirlwind blew up near him and knocked him off his feet. Literally. "Heaven's time..." I muttered.

After that, I became a teacher to my teammates to help them master strong techniques. Some of them learned the move Heaven's Time, but nobody else had the potential to do God Knows, my strongest technique, but developed other technique, such as the shooting techniquesReflect Buster and Divine Arrow, and there were also the offense technique Dash Storm, the defensive techniques Divine Stamp and Mega Quake, and Poseidon learned the goalkeeping techniques Tsunami Wall and Gigant Wall. Soon, most of them were able to practice by themselves. The ambrosia protected us from using any energy when battling, and we were sure that we are the strongest team of that time.

Oh, right, and the following happened when I was about 13. At the fourteenth of February.

"Aphrodi-sama!" Hera shouted behind me after a day of practice. Because of the ambrosia, we didn't feel tired, instead refreshed. "What, Hera-chan?" I said with some tease. "Just call me Aphrodi-san," I smiled. "O...Ok, Aphrodi-san..." Hera's face turned red "I... I want to tell you something..." "Go on, I'm all ears," I smiled at him, which made him blush even more. "Umm...Ummmm....Aphrodi-san, umm... HappyValentine'sdayhereImadeyousomechocolatesyoucanhaveit,"he smiled and handed me the chocolates. It was Valentine's Day? I forgot. Holy Me! I should have asked for a day off or something... "Thanks, Hera-kun." I smiled and put a finger on Hera's face and brushed it. "You look cute when you're blushing," Hera immediately faced away. "A...Aphrodi-san!" I smiled. "Hey, Hera-kun, it's almost dinnertime. We should be leaving for the cafeteria," I said, and put my hand on his shoulder.

It was clear that he had feelings for me. But the question is, do I have feelings for him? I named myself Aphrodi for a reason. True. I was attractive. I still am attractive, but, still now, I am still split between Hera-kun, captain Chang-Soo and having a three-way relationship with... You know what? Let's go to it later. We'll focus on Zeus now, and... Hera-kun.

The next day, Kageyama Reiji put us in for an announcement. "Teikoku Gauken has finished their 40th consecutive year in winning the Football Frontier. To anyone, 40 years is already a great achievement. Therefore, next year we will be participating in the Frontier. I have persuaded them to let us join as the "invited strong team". We will finally show the mortals our power. Aphrodi, please," he gestured. 

"Sure, commander. This year, we will crush the mortals. We will show them the power of the Gods!"

My life as a god-Afuro TerumiWhere stories live. Discover now