Chapter 1

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I stepped out of the car and took a deep breath. It was going to be very different without her here. She's the one who made this place brighter. I could feel the tears prickling the back of my eyes so I closed them tight to fight them back. I didn't want to cry today.

"You ready?" Logan asked and I nodded my head stiffly. He pulled me to him and I wrapped my arms around him hugging him back tightly.

"If you need anything call me ok? I'll come pick you up if you need me to." He said quietly. I just nodded.

I wasn't going home. I needed to be here. I already missed two weeks and I could afford to miss any more. I just couldn't find my words to tell him that. I was afraid that if I said anything I would start crying. I refused to cry.

He hugged me tightly one more time before getting back in the car and driving off. I took a deep breath and turned on my heel to face the school. I walked towards the doors and kept my head down. I didn't want to see the looks of sorrow and pity directed towards me.

Laura's death was no secret. Half the school had shown up to her funeral. She had always been very popular. She had an amazing personality that people were just drawn to. She was nice to everyone who approached her and she made friends very easily.

I made it to my locker and opened it to grab the books I would need. I stuffed them into my bag and looked into the little mirror on my locker door. I felt my chest tighten up. Why did I have to look just like her? Why did I see her every time I looked at myself?

"Hey. You ok?" I heard. I shut my locker door to reveal Damien's concerned face. I forced a smile on my face.

"Yeah. I'm fine. How about you?"

"Doing good I suppose. You know you don't have to force a smile. I can see that you're hurting." He said. I immediately dropped my smile. There was no point in pretending if he saw through it.

"Sorry. My friends are waiting for me. See you around." I said wanting to escape. I saw Cora and Serena and headed their way. They both smiled at me and I used my fake smile. At least they couldn't see through me.

"What were you doing talking to Damien Kennel? He's bad news Anna." Cora said first thing. I just sighed.

"He's not that bad Cora. He's actually pretty nice." I said and Serena scoffed. I turned towards her and tilted my head to let her know I was listening.

"Nice? There is nothing nice about him Anna. Have you heard the stuff about him?" she asked.

"Yeah Anna. I heard that he killed his dog for peeing on his shoe." Cora said with wide eyes. Both me and Serena looked over to her and she blushed.

"Cora that obviously didn't happen. Anna as your friends we're telling you to stay away from that guy. He's no good for you." She said. I couldn't help myself from rolling my eyes. We walked into the classroom without saying anything else and I took my seat. I didn't see how he was bad news. He had been nothing but kind to me.

"How would you know?" I asked a few minutes later. "You only go on what you hear. I'm not a child. You don't get to tell me who I can and can't talk to Serena. You're not my mother." I snapped. I closed my eyes and turned towards the teacher. I felt bad for snapping. I don't even really understand why I did it.

I sat through the entire class without talking to either one of them. I saw them glancing over at me but I guess they realized I wasn't in the mood because they didn't try to talk again. When the bell finally rang I gathered my stuff quickly and walked out avoiding Cora and Serena. I didn't want to talk to them right now. Thankfully they're not in my next few classes.

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