His wings became my wings, the wind rushing through his feathers I felt, the greatest eyesight mine; all mine.

The great beast screamed as he looked down and spotted what he was looking for. He dove down, folding his strong wings into his sides and flying straight down to the destination he had been seeking.

With a gasp my eyes shot open and there he was, falling. Then, with a swish of the wind, opened his wings wide to slow himself down.

"Ray . . . . " My voice trailed off as he landed gracefully on a branch of a big oak next to my window.

It still amazes me to this day how I'm able to get inside Zach's and Ray's mind. Zach also has that strong connection with Otus, so that says a lot about us.

"Bella!" a voice growled in irritation.

Blinking my eyes to bring myself back to earth, I smile an apologic smile at the Beta. "Sorry, Ryan. I guess I got a little carried away."

"Whatever," he grumbled, shaking his head. "Just be back before nightfall."

The path I took led me to the safety of the little place I'd considered to be my secret garden. Although there's only one tiny little stem, it still meant a lot to me.

Once comfortable against a tree with the soft ground beneath me, Ray swooped down and landed gently on my arm. I smiled at him with renewed joy.

"Even though I may be alone, I still have you."

The soft feeling of his feathers on the tips of my fingertips made my heart warm. Wherever I go, Ray's there.

He blinked dark eyes at me. "I'm just wondering how it would feel to take flight," I thought aloud. "I may have been in your mind, but what I, myself, wasn't there."

He cocks his head to the side, chirping gently.

I sigh, closing my eyes. "You guys can come out," I mumbled, smiling.

The Beta does while, of course, the Alpha King stays hidden.

He stares at Ray in disbelief. Ray screeches harshly as Ryan takes a step forward. It was so loud it would have made a human cover their ears. Ray stared at Ryan with narrowed eyes, challenging him to take another step.

"That's one of the birds-"

"Eagle," I corrected instantly.

"-that attacked the warriors wolves, isn't it?" he asked as if I said nothing.

Ray screeched again. "There's your answer, Ryan."

After he just kept staring at him I laugh. This should be fun. "If Ray allows it, you can touch him," I told him, laughing even more as his eyes widened.

He steps closer. Ray screamed in anger, making the Beta stop and take a step back.

"What's its name?"

I pressed my lips together in order to stop from growling. "His name is Ray."

There was a short silence until the Beta says, "The Alpha King wants you to go home."

I mutter under my breath. "My home is with my family."

The Beta bows toward where the Alpha King was, then wordlessly leaves.

"I - "

"Why not show yourself?" I cut him off.

That shut him right up, and I sigh. He still won't say anything about him. I don't even know why I had asked when I already knew the answer.

Connection Through BlindnessWhere stories live. Discover now