They gasped.

We ignored them.

Our parents rushed to shield us but we easily, gently, brushed them aside. "There's no point in that," Zach grumbled, glancing at them then back to the Beta.

The Beta had a glint in his eye as he said, "They're right, it's no use. We're going to kill all of you anyway." Everyone straightened like a bow string. "We'll kill every one of you."

My mom took a step forward, snarling. "You can try."

"And you know we will."

That shut her up. He was right. The packs will be destroyed if he chose to.

"What do you want?" Vincent snapped, body tense.

The Beta's eyes immediately landed on us. He pointed one finger in our direction, face blank as ever. "Him," he ordered.

My eyes snapped to the person standing beside me. No . . . No! Zach stared into my eyes, that one look telling me what he'd decided. No one else did, though. They didn't know what he was going to do.

Before anyone could react he flashed across the field and stood beside the Beta. Even as I kept my heart and breathing under control I was panicking. I understand how powerful Zach is, but from what I've heard, the Alpha King is more.

I stepped forward, acting as a protective shield for the others. The Beta looked straight into my eyes, something unspoken passing between us.

Lifting my head higher than it already is, I spoke in a deadly calm voice. "Leave, but remember this - I will take my brother back, and soon." I watched as they turned their backs and walked away. Ellie and Vincent tried to rush forward but I held my arm out, holding them back.

"What are you doing?!" she yelled, trying to move past my arm. I flashed before my mom, a warm smile and eyes bright.

"It's going to be okay, mom," I laughed softly. "Trust me?"

The war was evident in her green eyes as she looked at me, then behind me to where they'd disappeared, and then back to me.

She nods.

"Dad?" I question my dad too.

He nods.

The packs' left as one, leaving me alone with my parents. Their saddened faces tore my heart apart piece by piece.

"What are we supposed to do?" Ellie asked in a broken voice. "We'll never be able to get him back now."

"Never give up," Vincent ordered. "There's always a way."

I sigh quietly. "I'm sorry if you think I allowed Zach to be taken. But I didn't allow him to, he left on his own. I would never have wanted him to be held prisoner."

Ellie and Vincent encased me in a hug that assured me.

"We don't blame you for anything, Bells," he said.

Ellie kissed my head. "Nothing is your fault."

After they had left I took my time walking to the place Zach and I went every day. As I walked so many things flew through my mind. Like why the Alpha King would want anything to do with Zach? I mean, sure, Zach is powerful, but why would he want Zach when he himself is the most powerful supernatural creature alive? It didn't make any sense. Unless . . . .

Suddenly I stopped in my tracks, frozen, as the thought took every other thought out. What if the Alpha King was using Zach to get to me? But then that wouldn't make sense either because if he wanted me then he would've come for me, not my brother. And why would be want me? I'm nothing to him.

Sighing while shaking my head, I continued on with my walk. By the time I reached the cliff the sun was barely setting behind the mountains.

I could see Ray flying overhead, screaming, and flew down to the thick branch on the tree next to me. A hand ran through his soft feathers, calming my throbbing heart. His big brown eyes looked me up and down to make sure I was unharmed which made me smile.

"You don't have to worry about me," I whisper quietly, smiling. "It's Zach who you should worry about. Who we should all worry about."

He chirped loudly, cocking his head to the side and fluffing up his feathers.

Nodding, "You're right, he can take care of himself."

I sat down at the edge of the cliff and stared at all the beautiful trees and plants and colors. All so beautiful. All so vulnerable yet strong.

We stayed quiet for a long time, until the sun was no longer shining its light on us. The hoot of an owl came closer and closer. He was right next to us. Otus, Zach's Spirit Guide, like Ray is to me.

I smiled up at him, eyes closing, breathing in the cold night air. "Hello, friend," he hooted in response. "I need you to look for Zach, even though I know you've already checked. I need you to go again."

The huge owl blinked its large, mesmerizing eyes at me before spreading his wings and taking flight. I stared after him till he was far enough away and once again found myself in silence, swaying my feet back and forth. Being here without my brother felt wrong. Here, where we both enjoyed our time. Here, where we learned to master each other in battle. Here, our safe place.

And now that's all ruined. Well, temporarily. Because there was no way in hell I was just about to cower under the Alpha King like everyone else! Right as I was about to go off and tear the world apart - I did try before but my dad said to wait for a plan - to find Zach, I had a Feeling. You know, the sort of feeling that tells you something's wrong. Scents of all sorts invaded my senses even from all the way up here.

A couple seconds later warning howls filled the night air. I pushed off the cliff and fell down down down. As soon as my feet touched the floor I was running through the forest at top speed, heart beating faster than a hummingbirds.

The moment I emerged from the trees my guard was up, but it staggered me to see how much rogues were fighting. Rogues are known for keeping to themselves. This wasn't a normal rogue group, though. These rogues came in numbers, and lots of them. Worst thing was, was that I had to watch as everyone fought with such determination while as I, on the other hand, fought without caring for any one of these damn enemies because with Zach gone my heart was broken.

Now what would the Alpha King need Zach for, I wonder? I also wonder why Bella's so calm with her twin in the hands of a very dangerous person? We'll see, I guess.

Please, my dear readers:


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